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Kevin Turcios,Unsplash

The bad news blues: Navigating climate anxiety

As doubt about climate change has diminished, it has been replaced by panic, anxiety, resignation, fatigue, guilt, outrage and disconnect. This phenomenon has been dubbed “eco-anxiety”, an unease that is particularly prominent among the younger generations and parents of young children. So, how do you and your children cope?

Dr Elise Bialylew, founder of Mindful in May

Mindful strategies to manage iso-anxiety

We’re all marinating in a lot of uncertainty, stress and pressure right now. Yes, our stories are all different and so are the specifics of our stress, but one thing’s for sure… Everyone is doing it tough. Some, tougher than others.

Compassion Focused Therapy for anxiety and low self-esteem

Compassion Focused Therapy for anxiety and low self-esteem

If you’re suffering from anxiety, depression or low-self-esteem, then Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT) could help. It involves redirecting your compassionate mind towards yourself by comforting your inner child with kindness, love and care.

The Stoic theory and how it be used to ease anxiety

5 ways Stoicism can help ease anxiety

Anxiety is epidemic in the modern digital age but it is far from an exclusively modern problem. Anxiety is part of the human condition and humans have sought to deal with it for as long as we have had self-awareness. That is why the ancient philosophical tradition of Stoicism has a lot of practical advice for those who are overly anxious.

Is anxiety ruining your life?

Anxiety – Is it Ruining your life?

Feeling occasionally anxious is a normal response to some events in our life. It is only when it stops you enjoying everyday things, affects your work, your relationships, and causes you to take up addictive behaviours or to withdraw that it needs for you to take it in hand and develop new tools to address the issue.