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Herbs for weight loss

The plant world offers some exciting and effective medicines for assisting weight loss and maintenance.


Forest-friendly shopping

As consumers, our shopping choices can affect the future of unique ecosystems, such as the Amazon Basin. So, until further legislation is passed to protect the rainforests of the world, what should be left out of our shopping baskets?


Are you caught in the weight-loss dieting trap?

The faster your weight loss, the less discerning your body is about what it burns for energy. This means that when dieting, you may be losing a startling 60 per cent muscle and only 40 per cent fat. Here’s how to avoid this dieting trap!


How to stop over-committing

Are your commitments pulling you out of kilter? Learn how to focus on what is important to you so you can tip the scales in your favour and return a bit of balance to your life.


Find happiness at work

As you spend a large part of your life working, it’s a good idea to understand how it affects you and how to protect yourself against any negative impacts.


How to get rid of dandruff!

Living with dandruff can be frustrating and embarrassing. Get to the root of the problem and discover how to naturally defeat dandruff once and for all!


How to dine out, the healthy way

If you want to dine out without sacrificing your health or weight-loss progress, you need to learn to speed read a menu to recognise figure-friendly nutritious food.