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How to treat autism naturally

Rates of autism are on the rise. Yet, where once the condition was seen as a psychiatric disorder, a biomedical approach is proving dietary intervention can be the basis of real change for this troubling condition.


Your guide to healing with spices

We are all familiar with the flavour benefits of adding spices to our food. However, more people are beginning to appreciate the medicinal virtues of spices with their use being extended into foods that also served as medicine.


Load up on luscious lemons

The lemon is undoubtedly the most widely grown fruit and has the greatest number of uses, including therapeutic, medicinal and cosmetic. Find out how this wonder fruit can enhance your wellbeing.


Resetting goals

What happens when you find yourself reaching your long sought-after goal, only to discover it’s not what you want any more?


Your quick-fix mood-boosting toolkit

Had a rough day, or just feeling a little out of sorts? Most people suffer from the blues from time to time. Here are some proven ways to boost your mood — naturally.


How to treat migraines

When it comes to tackling debilitating migraines, tracking the root of the problem is the first step. Learn to identify your trigger factors and improve your quality of life.

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Pluto and your personal evolution

Pluto is about our deep and highly personal evolution. Whenever Pluto’s energy is in your life, there is a sense of death and rebirth.


How to have a lucid dream

As you read these words, do you know for sure you are awake and not in a lifelike dream? What criteria would you use to tell the difference? On the surface, these sound like highly absurd questions, but if transposed to the world of dreams they can provide the key to a realm of nearly unlimited possibility.


6 ways to live a happier life

Living a passionate life is a surefire precursor to finding happiness. Here are our six simple keys to injecting your life with zest.