healthy eating

Food additives

Food additives and their harmful health effects

Octafluorocyclobutane, polyethylene glycol and flavoxanthin — these probably don’t ring a bell, but you may be unwittingly eating them. They are just three of the 350 food additivities used in the food industry. Food additives are used for a variety […]


Understanding hormonal imbalances

We live in a world that has a pill for every ailment, and when it comes to hormonal imbalances, the most commonly prescribed medication is the oral contraceptive pill. Imagine, instead, a world in which the first port of call […]

No more moanin’ about your hormones

No more moanin’ about your hormones

It’s normal for hormones to rise and fall throughout your menstrual cycle. If this delicate dance is hindered in any way, you might experience anxiety, irregular periods, weight gain, fatigue and more.