Calm a cranky lower back with knees to chest pose

Ouch – lower back pain! Whether it shows up as ongoing pain or acute niggles from carrying kids, lifting too much or a long drive, many of us will experience a cranky lower back every so often. Apart from the physical discomfort, such pain can create mental irritability and frustration as everyday activities become impeded or impossible.

Apanasana is a user-friendly yoga pose that works to take the bite out of a grouchy lower back. As a nice bonus, the pose also soothes the digestive system and lengthens out the spine.

Apanasana is often referred to as ‘knees to chest pose’, ‘energy freeing pose’, or ‘wind releasing pose’ (which never fails to get a giggle in class – eek!). It’s classed as a forward bend, and as such delivers the benefits of cooling the body and encouraging inner focus.

Bringing the knees toward the chest lengthens the erector spinae muscles which run either side of the spine, as well as the gluteus maximus and hamstring muscles. The gentle action of pressing the upper legs toward the belly also activates a little squeeze for the digestive organs. This helps to move waste through the digestive system, keeping elimination more regular and comfortable. As well, the movement of the knees toward the body matched with an exhalation encourages stale air (including toxins and tensions) to exit the body.

Ready to give apanasana a try?

Firstly, gather your props: a yoga mat or blanket, and a small cushion will be useful. Also, this pose is best practised on an empty tummy.

Exploring the pose

Going deeper

Try holding apanasana by hugging the knees in close for 1-2 minutes. In this variation, keep the breath flowing deeply, easily and naturally. Focus on the belly descending toward the spine with each exhalation. You might like to try drawing the legs closer in as you exhale, if that feels good.

Enjoy practising apanasana every day as a general tonic for a grumpy back and maintaining good digestion.


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