A Q&A with Renae Smith, owner of Bake Mixes

We speak to Renae Smith, owner of Bake Mixes, an Australian brand who create food packs that you can make in your own home. They are designed for those who suffer with food sensitivity and all products are wheat free, egg free, dairy free and refined sugar-free. Bake Mixes are 100% committed to using high quality whole ingredients, many of which are organic and locally sourced, offering complete assurance of quality with every pack. Here, Renae shares her story.

How did your brand come to be and when?

The brand had been around for a little while when I found it – but I took it over in 2018 as I had been looking to create something very similar and knew that with a little love, I could make the brand even better than it already was!

What was the initial vision for your brand? Has that changed over time?

Initially I just wanted to succeed, as I had never run a product-based business before.  I spent a good few months trying to manage everything and then once I understood the business, it was my goal to make the products as accessible for everyone as I could.

Where did the brand name come from?

Very simple – I make ‘baking mixes’ so therefore the name Bake Mixes was a simple no brainer.

What/who are your products suitable for?

The products are suitable for everyone. That’s the beauty of them! Whilst they’re designed to be suited to people with food intolerances or dietary choices like veganism or Hindu diets – they can also be made with ‘regular’ ingredients like cows milk or melted butter – therefore being adaptable to suit everyone’s needs.

What are some of your favourite products in your range?

One of the most underrated products is my muesli bars. They are divine. Everyone who tries them always comes back for more and it genuinely surprises me that they’re not the best seller – they’re so yum!

Where do you source your ingredients?

I get my ingredients from lots of different places as some of the products are quite niche. I use Oat Flour which I buy direct from the organic mill, I get my organic banana flour from QLD and others from health food and organic suppliers across Australia’s east coast.

Can you tell us a little more about the ingredients in your products? 

All of my ingredients are ‘whole.’  I don’t use processed ingredients and go as far as ensuring my baking soda is the ‘no aluminium’ brand. Whilst we are not certified organic, lots of our ingredients are raw organic and we are proud to pay attention to what we put in our food!

What’s next for your brand?

Now that I have secured national distribution channels, it’s time to show everyone just how magical the product is!  I hope to partner with subscription boxes, school canteens and fitness centres to spread the Bake Mixes love!

For more, visit bakemixes.com.au

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