A summer detox

Regular internal cleansing and supportive detoxification programs are essential to ongoing health and are part of any preventive health plan. Detox during the summer months can prevent colds and flus during the winter months.
Additionally, summer often means holidays, which presents the opportunity to embrace a fundamental element of detox: rest, relaxation and respite from the usual stresses of your busy life.

What is detox?
Detoxification is what your body constantly does to neutralise and dispose of chemical toxins. When toxin levels are too high for detoxification processes, the body protects itself by storing toxins in fat and bone marrow cells.
Toxins result from normal metabolic activity of body cells and are byproducts of microflora and poorly digested food in the gastrointestinal tract. Toxins also enter the body via the air we breathe, the food we eat, the water and drugs we consume and products used on skin and hair.
Detoxification involves the deactivation of toxins and their removal from the body. We each have a toxic fingerprint due to our toxin exposure. A range of different factors will play a role in how we experience a detox.
During a detox, toxins are liberated from storage into the bloodstream. It’s not unusual to feel slightly nauseous or headachy during detox, though this should be limited if the correct supportive practices are adopted. Once the toxins are transformed by the liver and excreted, a feeling of lightness and clarity often replaces a stagnant heaviness. Detox can clear old rubbish from the body, leaving you with bright eyes, clear skin and a natural smile.

Starting a detox
A naturopathic detox is a program involving three basic, equally important parts: minimising toxin intake, promoting toxin elimination and minimising harm throughout the detox process.
Making decisions about the duration and intensity of your detox is a good start. Enlisting advice from a health professional about how to construct your individual detox regime is particularly advised if you have never undergone a detox before.

7 steps to eliminating toxins
As part of a detox there are seven easy steps you can take to eliminate toxins.

1 Personal care products: avoid products that are laden with chemicals and toxins. Opt for a toxin-free range that works for you.

2 Household cleaning products: Look at the material safety data sheets (MSDS) on the products you use to clean your bathroom, kitchen and living spaces to see exactly what they consist of. Seek out natural alternatives.

3 Foods: Read the ingredients list on food packets to find out what exactly they contain. Avoid processed foods during your detox.

4 Clean up your air. Have lots of plants in your living environment and ensure your house gets fresh air daily. Avoid all products that list “fragrance” on them, as these are totally unregulated.

5 Source the purest water you can find. Filter water with a reliable, quality filter. Water is a major ally during a detox. Every process in the body takes place in a water environment, so ensure this is continuously refreshed during detox.

6 Stop drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes and consuming drugs. Cutting back on coffee and tea can be a hurdle for many, so take a gradual approach. Deduct one drink each day from your usual intake or try replacing your morning coffee with a herbal tea.

7 Listen to what your internal commentary is and become aware of any toxic criticisms or reproaches you may be generating, either towards yourself or others, to help create a healthier, constructive voice.

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