Do you need a detox?

Detoxing is a great way to eliminate toxins that accumulate in the body. Detox programs that work to cleanse your body internally often form an essential part in any ongoing preventive health plan. Detox works to create a feeling of lightness and enhances your state of health and wellbeing, naturally.

Detox explained
Toxins result from normal metabolic activity of body cells and are by-products of mico-flora and poorly digested food in the gastrointestinal tract. We are also constantly exposed to toxins in the air as well as in the food and water we consume. A detox plan will involve three essential parts. It will focus on minimising toxin intake, promoting toxin elimination and minimising harm throughout the detox process.

Signs you may need a detox

There are many conditions that may indicate the need for a detox. These include autoimmune disease, headache, joint and back pain, fatigue, circulatory problems, constipation, ulcers, frequent colds, allergies, acne, insomnia and more. A detox twice a year will create significant benefits in terms of your heath and wellbeing and will keep illnesses at bay.

Detox and natural therapies
There is a range of natural therapies that assist the detoxification process. For instance, massage therapy is beneficial in releasing stress hormones from the body and increases endorphins. Yoga also improves circulation and aids relaxation.

Colonic hydrotherapy is also beneficial in a detox plan. Warm water is injected into the large intestine to eliminate toxic waste. The colon is at the centre of detoxification and colonics work to keep the bowel moving. Because of the risk of damaging the delicate bowel lining, it’s important to see someone who is qualified and experienced in this area. Colonics should never be attempted at home.

Seasonal detox
Spring or summer is generally seen as the best time to start a detox program. Detoxing during the warmer months works to prevent colds and flu during the winter months. Summer’s longer and warmer days encourage more physical activity and also allow time for rest and relaxation. In the warmer months we generally eat smaller quantities and lighter foods, which reduce the load on our digestive systems. All these elements work to create a great detox plan for summer.

However, a winter detox is still beneficial. Undertaking a detox plan in winter can give you extra energy to get through the colder, shorter days. This can also be the perfect time to start a new detox diet. Vegetables such as broccoli, bok choy, cabbage and cauliflower are readily available during the autumn and winter months and assist in the detoxification process.

Should I try detox?
If you are lethargic, have a slight feeling of depression or are in desperate need of an energy boost, it may be time to consider a detox. Your body will reward you by eliminating the accumulated toxins and returning to its natural state of wellbeing.

Detox will not be suitable for everyone. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, recovering from an operation, underweight, anaemic or have a chronic illness, detox is not recommended. Visit a practitioner to see if detox is for you.

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