Dry skin

Healthy skin requires a balance of oil, that is secreted by sebaceous glands and water that reaches the surface of the skin through skin cells. Oil is necessary to prevent the evaporation of water from the top layers of the skin. There are 2 types of dry skin: simply dry skin and complex dry skin. Simple dry skin usually affects females under 35 and results from a lack of natural oils. Complex dry skin lacks oil and moisture. Dry skin can look dull and is often tight after washing unless a moisturiser is applied. Dry skin is most common on the hands, and face. People with fair skin are more likely to experience dry skin.

Causes: poor diet, exposure to sun and wind, chemicals, cosmetics, excessive bathing with strong soaps, nutritional deficiencies.

Symptoms of complex dry skin: fine lines, brown spots, discolouration, enlarged pores and sagging skin.

Who to consult: Dermatologist, dietician, endocrinologist, GP, herbalist, homoeopath, naturopath, pharmacist.

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