
Headaches are a common phenomenon in today’s society. It is estimated that about 9 out of 10 headaches are tension headaches. Headaches can also be a sign of an underlying health problem such as a food intolerance or allergy, anaemia, bowel issues, brain tumours, hypertension, hypoglycaemia, spinal misalignment, dehydration or diseases of the eyes, nose and throat.

Cause: stress, hormonal imbalance, anxiety, tension, trauma to the head, allergies, constipation, fever, exposure to irritants (e.g. chemicals, cosmetics), eye strain, hunger and sinus pressure.

Who to consult: Acupressure, chiropractor, endocrinologist, GP, herbalist, meditation practitioner, osteopath, naturopath, neurologist, pharmacist, psychologist, yoga practitioner.

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