
Infertility is the failure to conceive after regular sexual activity for a year or the failure to carry a pregnancy to term. Infertility can be caused by issues with the male partner (i.e. low sperm count or anatomical abnormalities) or the female (e.g. failure to ovulate, blocked fallopian tubes, having antibodies against partner’s sperm, endometriosis or uterine fibroids). Sexually transmitted diseases like Chlamydia can also cause infertility. Psychological issues may impact on a couple including stress and the fear of parenthood and new responsibilities.

Causes of a low sperm count: alcohol consumption, endocrine issues, excess heat, exposure to toxins, acute illness, testicular injury and mumps-induced wasting of the testicles.

Who to consult: GP, gynaecologist, herbalist, homoeopath, meditation practitioner, naturopath, psychologist, urologist, yoga practitioner.

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