Kidney disease (renal failure)

The kidneys are key functional organs in the body, concerned with salt-water balance and the removal of waste products. The kidneys can be damage from a variety of agents and diseases. Bright’s disease is a condition where there is a blood protein in the urine and there is associated hypertension and oedema. Glomerulonephritis is inflammation of the units within the kidney that filter out bodily wastes. Polycystic kidney disease is a genetic disorder where cysts grow on the kidneys, leading to kidney dysfunction. A number of other conditions can also cause kidney disease, including: pyelonephritis, kidney stones, renal tubular acidosis and nephrotic syndrome.

Causes: exposure to toxins, heavy metals, solvents, chemotherapy agents and pesticides.

Symptoms: oedema (fluid retention), shortness of breath, appetite loss, abdominal pain, fever, cloudy or bloody urine, urinary urgency and back pain (retroperitoneal).

Who to consult: If a person is concerned that they are experiencing renal failure or kidney disease it is essential to contact their local GP or a nephrologist. Other practitioners that may be of interest are: dietician, herbalist, homoeopath, naturopath and pharmacist.

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