Mercury toxicity

Mercury is a toxic poison that can accumulate in tissues, and prevent the entry of nutrients and the transport of wastes out of a cell.

Sources: soil, water supply, sewage sludge, fungicides, fish, cosmetics, dental fillings, fabric softeners, industrial instruments, paints, plastics, polishes and solvents.

Symptoms: arthritis, dermatitis, depression, fatigue, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, hair loss, insomnia, metallic taste in the mouth, behavioural changes, confusion, hyperactivity, headaches, joint pain, memory loss, muscle weakness, blindness, paralysis and excessive salivation. Children with severe mercury poisoning experience peeling of the skin on the hands, nose and feet, blindness and increased heart rate.

Who to consult: chelation therapist, dentist, GP, herbalist, homoeopath, naturopath.

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