Natural therapies for your baby

 There are a number of natural therapies you can take advantage of to ensure the health and wellbeing of your newborn. More and more parents are turning to natural therapies and alternative medicine to seek a natural, gentle option for their babies.

Why choose natural therapies for your baby?
Natural therapies offer a safe and gentle approach for newborns without the side effects of conventional medicine. Natural therapists that specialise in baby and infant health care are able to offer assistance for a number of conditions and discomforts that affect babies including: colic, eczema, nappy rash, constipation and diarrhoea, infections, allergies, teething and fever management.

Natural therapies for babies

Baby or infant massage therapy
Baby massage is an alternative therapy that many parents use as a way to bond with their child. Baby massage therapy uses gentle stimulation. It can be used to help your baby sleep peacefully and can also be used to help older children sleep. It produces a range of benefits for you child by relieving colic and improving digestion, stimulating physiological development and promoting neurological development. Baby massage is also a relaxing experience for both the baby and parent.

Mums and bubs yoga
Yoga is another natural therapy that offers great benefits for the parent and child. Mums and bubs yoga is growing in popularity as a way to bond with your child. The class usually involves postures that help mothers strengthen their pelvic muscles and abdominals. Gentle movements are also included for the baby to aid digestion and relaxation. For older children, infant and kids yoga is also offered by many yoga centres.

Alternative medicine for babies
Many parents are hesitant about giving their babies antibiotics due to the potential side effects. As a result, many are turning towards alternative medicine for a gentle and natural solution.

Herbal medicine
It is vital that you consult a practitioner before giving your baby any herbal medicines. Some preparations that produce beneficial results in adults may not have the desired effects on infants. For babies, herbs can be used in dried extracts such as capsules, powders and teas. Herbs such as fennel, chamomile and slippery elm can help a colicky baby and soothe the digestive system.

Homeopathy is a beneficial alternative medicine for babies as it is gentle and produces quick and effective results. Homeopathic remedies are non-toxic and the formulations are palatable. A homeopath can offer an alternative medicine solution for a range of discomforts such as nappy rash, bumps and bruises, teething, colic and coughs, colds and fevers.

Natural therapies are fast becoming an attractive option to parents with newborns. Other natural therapies that can be used for babies include naturopathy, nutritional medicine, osteopathy, aromatherapy and even acupuncture. However, be sure to consult a qualified practitioner to see if these options are suitable for your child.


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