Starting a detox

What is a detox?
Detox refers to the concept of removing our harmful and unwanted toxin and waste products from the body in order to improve our system’s function and energy production. A detox diet will focus on food and lifestyle choices which assist this process.

Why a detox is beneficial
Essentially, all detox programs will incorporate lifestyle and nutritional changes to help you achieve three key goals:

A detox and detox diet will also help boost your metabolism so it is more efficient in producing energy and eliminating waste. When accompanied by a healthy and active lifestyle, the effects of the detox can be long lasting and significant.

Starting your detox
Before starting your detox try selecting a month where you don’t have too many social commitments that may interfere with your detox plans. For instance, try choosing a month after holiday celebrations to cut out alcohol for the detox. You can also prepare for your detox by removing unhealthy foods and snacks from your kitchen pantry and adopting healthy eating practices.

Why consult a practitioner before beginning a detox

When starting a detox it is recommended that you first seek the advice of a naturopath or qualified practitioner to help you create an individualised program and supervise your progress. If you are recovering from an illness or have recently had surgery it is essential that you consult a health care practitioner before undergoing a detox.

It is important that you seek the advice of a qualified practitioner. Undertaking a detox without fully understanding the process involved can result in nausea, headaches and vomiting due to the elimination of toxins from fat deposits and into the blood stream. A practitioner will be able to advise you of any additional herbal and nutritional supplements you need to take to avoid and reduce these effects. A practitioner will be able to provide a nutritionally assisted detox to help effectively rid your body of toxins while conserving essential tissues.

Your detox program

There are a range of detox programs and products on the market. Some products are available in health food stores while others can be prescribed by your practitioner. Your practitioner can also recommend a range of other supplements and other products if you have specific health issues. A practitioner will be able to examine your toxicity status through symptom analysis, iridology and examination of the tongue, checking for signs of nutritional deficiencies or blood analysis. From this, a detox program will be recommended that suits your personal needs.

Consulting a qualified practitioner will also provide you with the support and assistance you need. Your progress can be monitored by a professional and any aspects can also be modified along the way. Most intensive detox programs can last up to 12 weeks, whereas a light cleanse may take only a couple of weeks.

Find a practitioner that can assist with a detox

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