Tips for sustainable living

Sustainable living involves making greener choices when it comes to products and resources to reduce the impact we make on the earth. Despite the desire to move towards sustainable living, non-organic products tend to dominate the shelves of supermarkets and the cupboards in our homes.

It ultimately comes down to us to make the change. There are a series of small steps you can take towards green living. This will help achieve the ultimate goal of complete sustainable living.

Make the move towards sustainable living
Making the move towards sustainable living can be achieved by changing some of our daily habits. Start with cleaning products. Most of the cleaning products on the market contain harmful chemicals. Making the move to sustainable living can be as simple as buying a greener alternative or concentrated products which involve less packaging and energy in its production. Why not go even further by making your own cleaning solutions? White vinegar and bicarb soda together make a great natural cleaner.

Sustainable living and food choices
Choosing organic foods is also a step you can make towards sustainable living and is a way to get unpackaged, wholesome and chemical-free food. When it comes to meat this is also important as organic or biodynamic food ensures there are no chemicals, growth hormones or antibiotics used in the production. It is also a more humane choice as the animal is raised on a pasture rather than in a feedlot.
Although organic foods may be slightly more expensive, once incorporated into the mainstream, they will be more cost effective. Even if you opt for an organic choice just once in a while, it is a way of making the transition towards sustainable living.

Sustainable living and your car

Many people now recognise the damage that cars can do to the environment. Purchasing a hybrid car is a solution to this; however, there are other cost-effective measures you can undertake to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. One step may be converting to alternative, cleaner and greener fuels. Another option is to start using your car less. This could be by carpooling, walking, cycling or taking public transport to reduce carbon emissions, keep fit and save money. Finally, try using your current car in a more efficient manner. For instance out-of-tune cars pollute more heavily so make sure your car is regularly serviced. Also, travel light and reduce use of the air conditioner for better fuel consumption.

Remember another key to sustainable living is through reducing, re-using and recycling. For instance, buy products with minimal packaging or concentrated forms. Opt for durable and reusable items rather than disposal ones. If you must use plastic bags re-use them as many times as possible and lastly when buying products consider their recycling capabilities. Even just making one change in these areas will help in the move towards sustainable living. Help the planet and help yourself by making better choices for sustainable living today.

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