Ulcerative colitis

This is a chronic disorder in which the lining of the colon becomes inflamed, develops ulcers and the muscles of the colon need to work harder to move substances along the colonic tract. Ulcerative colitis usually affects the sigmoid part of the colon. Complications of this disease include the loss of nutrients, vitamins and fluids. If a person has had this condition for over five years, it is important to have regular colonoscopies as there is a greater risk of developing colon cancer. 

Contributing factors: eating habits, stress, anxiety, food allergies, bacterial infection and antibiotics (alters the normal intestinal microflora).

Symptoms: pain, flatulence, bloody diarrhoea, bloating and hard stools.

Who to consult: Dietician, gastroenterologist, GP, herbalist, homoeopath, naturopath.

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