Understanding stress and stress relief

Stress is not only the result of the hectic pace of our days, but is also due to an array of other factors that contribute to tension, anxiety and worry.  Here are the six main types of stress we are commonly exposed to and methods for stress relief.

Nutritional stress
Nutritional stress can result from nutrient deficiencies and hypoglycaemia. Stress and nutrient deficiencies can occur when you do not receive enough nutrients from food. Stress can lead to nutritional deficiencies in magnesium, calcium, vitamins B6 and B5, vitamin C, protein and omega-3s. Eating a healthy, balanced diet and ensuring you get enough of these nutrients is beneficial for stress relief. Drinking plenty of water and limiting your intake of stimulants such as caffeine will also assist with stress relief.

Hypoglycaemia causes a drop in blood sugar levels and produces symptoms of stress, nervousness and mood swings. Stabilising your blood sugar levels through smart food choices helps reduce cravings, offers sustained energy release and will assist in avoiding stress and providing stress relief.

Physical stress
Stress can present in a range of physical symptoms, from poor posture to blemishes on the skin. Relaxation is important for stress relief. Exercise is great for relaxation and stress relief but must be done in a way that suits your body. For instance, if you are highly stressed, avoid running as you will be tiring out your body. The lower your stress levels, the more intensive exercise your body can handle.

Chemical stress
Toxic chemicals create imbalances in essential bodily chemicals such as hormones, enzymes and neurotransmitters. Stress relief can be achieved by limiting your exposure to toxic chemicals through regular detox, choosing organic, unprocessed foods and using chemical-free cleaning products and personal care products. Stress relief in this instance will help your body produce the necessary nutrients, hormones and other essential bodily chemicals to maintain health.

Mental and psychic stress

Mental and psychic stress can appear in damaging forms such as perfectionism, feeling guilt about relaxing, feeling powerless and much more. In this instance, stress relief can be achieved by keeping a journal to increase your mental clarity and decrease the power of your inner critic. This can work to ensure your mind is clearer and your thoughts are expressed rather than accumulating and creating stress and worry in your mind. Unburdening your mental load is essential for stress relief.

Electromagnetic stress
Extremely low frequency (ELF) radiation that surrounds us disrupts the body’s electromagnetic fields and alters the hormonal and immune systems. Limit exposure as much as possible to mobile phones, computers and laptops, especially in bedrooms, to avoid electromagnetic stress and assist with stress relief.

Thermal stress
Extremes in temperature can also cause stress. If your body is already highly stressed, extremes in temperature can put it over the edge and result in a respiratory infection due to a suppressed immune system.

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