Why study a massage course?

A career in massage therapy can be a fulfilling and rewarding way to assist others with pain through natural healing. Massage therapy is a lucrative field with a range of courses, mode of study and employment opportunities available

What is massage therapy?
Massage therapy uses touch and gentle movements to help the body heal itself. Massage therapy uses a range of techniques and methods such as friction, effleurage, kneading or percussion to improve the function and soothe painful joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments. Along with this, massage therapy works to create an overall feeling of relaxation and promotes circulation and general health and wellbeing.

What’s involved in a massage course?
Typically massage courses will provide students with the ability to alleviate pain and improve movement and function through soft tissue techniques.

The duration of a massage course will depend on the institution as well as the type of study and qualifications you are undertaking. The minimum qualification to practice massage is the Certificate IV in Massage Therapy Practice. This is generally a shorter course which at some institutions can be undertaken over two terms. A Diploma of Massage Therapy will extend on these skills and can run over the course of a year. Depending on the institution, there may be accelerated courses offered or the duration may instead be based on a number of required hours.

A massage course will deal with a range of areas such as foundations of massage, soft tissue techniques, musculo-skeletal anatomy, assessment and injury management as well as clinical practice and communication skills. A range of massage styles such as Swedish and remedial and we all as possibly aromatherapy, sports and deep tissue massage therapy will also be taught. Theory will also be accompanied by a certain number of clinical practice hours.

Where to study
There are a range of learning centres that offer massage courses. Most educational institutions will offer a diploma of massage course or certificate in massage therapy. It is important that you study massage at a recognised and reputable college. This will ensure you receive education and training recognised within the industry and make you eligible for membership to a number of associations.

To become a Therapist that offers health fund rebates as a provider, you must complete a course of national recognised training from a Registered Training Organization (RTO). Check with the learning centre for more details.

Your career as a massage therapist
Accredited massage courses are recognised across Australia, providing a range of options for employment. Graduates may decide on work in a private practice or residence, mobile practice or a group clinic. Massage therapy is a beneficial complementary therapy and so work in alongside health care professionals such as osteopaths, physiotherapist and chiropractors is another option.


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