Anti-ageing exercise

To achieve optimal anti aging results, a holistic approach must be taken which includes leading a healthy and active lifestyle. Exercise is an effective means of helping achieve anti aging results by toning and tightening muscles as well as encouraging a healthier outlook and generally providing you with more energy. Anti aging exercise doesn’t mean you have to subject yourself to unending exhausting physical regimes. Regular exercise in moderation is the key to anti aging.

Exercise for anti aging
Exercise should be seen as a chance for you to enjoy physical activity and maintain your health and wellbeing. Ideally you should try to exercise for 30 minutes most days of the week. Exercising can take many forms such as bushwalking, yoga or dancing. Regardless of which form you choose, committing to regular exercise will allow you to achieve the health and anti aging benefits of exercise sooner than if you were to just partake in the odd exercise session.

Exercise and the body
Exercise can help produce anti aging results by benefiting different aspects of the body

Muscles, bones and joints
As you age, your flexibility and range of motion decreases. Daily exercise and stretching can help maintain and improve your flexibility so that it does not drastically reduce with age.

Muscle mass decreases with age, with a corresponding loss of muscle strength. To help negate this effect, it makes sense to increase or at least maintain the strength of whatever muscle mass you have. By building muscle strength through anti aging exercise you can help reduce the risk of injury, increase your recovery rate in the case of illness, improve your posture and achieve better balance. Moreover, the loss of muscle mass causes an increase in the fat-to-muscle ratio which slows your metabolism and makes you more prone to weight gain.

Exercise helps promote and maintain healthy joints by building strong, healthy muscles. Exercise protects and stabilises your joints and serves to pump fluid around them. Strength and resistance training in particular is beneficial for producing anti aging results. Exercise of this type will help develop and strengthen the muscles and build bone mass which will help reduce the risk of fractures, disability and chronic pain as you age.

Exercise allows you to effectively burn up stress hormones. It also allows the happy hormones, serotonin and endorphins, to be released. Exercise offers stress relief and in turn works to produce anti aging results. As stress contributes to a range of ailments including high blood pressure, digestive problems and poor immunity, exercise is an effective anti aging method. Exercise also stimulates the production of growth hormones, also known as anti aging hormones. This hormone works to increase the health of your muscles and bones and enhances collagen renewal.
Physical activity helps boost circulation by pumping blood back to the heart and improving oxygen flow. Healthy circulation allows the cells and organs to receive the essential nutrients needed and eliminates unwanted toxins from the body.

Exercising is a fun and healthy way to achieve anti aging benefits. Regular exercise allows you to build muscle, bone and joint strength which naturally deteriorate with age. Exercise also provides anti aging effects by reducing stress, which can contribute to and exacerbate illness. Regardless of what form of exercise you choose, regular physical activity in moderation will help you maintain your health and wellbeing and reduce the signs of aging.

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