Anti-ageing nutrition

A healthy, balanced diet is essential for overall health and to achieve longevity and optimal anti-ageing results. Making the correct food choices and receiving a balanced intake of all the necessary nutrients can help reduce our chances of contracting diseases. Beneficial nutritional choices also work to support the body’s anti aging mechanisms by boosting and promoting overall health and wellbeing.

Anti aging nutritional choices

Carbohydrates can be divided into two groups – complex and simple. The body uses these as a major source of energy. Simple carbs are found in refined foods like white sugar, as well as in more nutritious foods like milk and fruit. Complex carbohydrates are also called starches and include cereals, whole grains, brown pasta, potatoes, fruits and vegetables, and contain fibre, vitamins and minerals. Complex carbs are converted into glucose more slowly than simple carbs and work better to promote good health and support the body’s overall anti-ageing mechanisms. These complex carbohydrates provide a consistent source of energy and act as fuel for our muscles, and create a feeling of fullness (as the body takes longer to break them down) and thus reduces overeating. Eating a diet balanced with carbohydrates helps anti aging by combating obesity, diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis and tooth decay.

A diet high in low glycaemic index (low GI) carbohydrates is also a better choice. Lower GI foods are absorbed by the body at a slower rate, supply energy at a steadier rate and are more like to alleviate the feeling of hunger.

Protein also produces anti aging benefits for the body. Protein is an essential component in forming the basis of the body’s cells, tissues and organs. Protein can also play a role in anti aging as it is involved in the formation of antibodies that are a vital part of our immune system and protect us from pathogens such as bacteria and viruses. It is best to choose protein options that are low in saturated fat including beans, peas and nuts. Lean red meat is also another source of protein, but try to keep consumption of it in moderation. Processed meats are high in sodium, and high levels of their consumption have been linked to heart disease.

Fats are essential for health and wellbeing but must be consumed in the correct forms. Saturated fats increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer, while mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids can provide anti aging benefits of improved mental health, reduced risk of depression and cognitive decline in old age and benefits for the heart. Beneficial polyunsaturated fats are found in oily fish such as salmon, sardines and tuna, various vegetable oils and also flax seeds. Oily fish are also a good source of omega-3 oils which are also believed to be protective against heart disease. A balanced intake of the right kinds of fats can effectively assist in anti aging.

Lack of dietary fibre has been linked to a number of illnesses and diseases such as digestive and bowel cancer, heart and circulatory issues and other problems such as kidney stones and gallstones. Fibre can have a range of anti aging benefits as it works to help maintain good health in older age and prevent disease. Fibre also produces anti aging results by reducing the risk of obesity by promoting a feeling of fullness. Soluble fibre also stabilises blood sugar levels and is beneficial for the heart and bowel.

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