Natural skincare and natural therapies for acne

Acne and outbreaks are frustrating, not to mention the damage they can do to one’s self esteem. Many people respond to acne by piling on a topical cream to help reduce the inflammation or use cosmetics to conceal it. There are a number of natural therapies and tips for natural skin care you can try out to help reduce acne.

Natural skin care for acne
There are a number of ways you can address acne with a natural skin care regime.


Natural skin care products work gently on the skin. Other skin care products contain harmful chemicals which can irritate the skin, causing dryness and redness. For a natural skin care regime look for witch hazel. It is a gentle, natural astringent which can be found in most health food stores. Witch hazel can be used as a toner and helps dry out pimples.

Another natural skin care tip for acne is to use tea tree oil. Tea tree oil can be applied directly to pimples but should be diluted first so as to not dry out the entire skin. Tea tree oil also has antibacterial properties.

Exfoliating and skin brushing
Skin brushing with a loofah assists with skin regeneration. This can form part of your natural skin care regime and will help remove dead skin cells and bring blood and lymphatic circulation to the skin where it can deliver nutrients and remove toxins.

Lifestyle factors and acne

A natural skin care regime not only depends on personal care products but also other factors such as diet. To help treat acne, it is best to avoid processed, oily foods. It is best to stick to a healthy diet loaded with fresh fruit and vegetables, fish, lean meat and whole grains.

Stress is a common factor in triggering an acne attack. It is first important to determine where the stress is coming from and make appropriate changes to reduce it. Stress relief can be achieved in various ways such as relaxation activities and meditation.

Natural therapies and acne

Nutritional medicine

Along with a healthy diet full of fruit and vegetables, nutritional supplements and vitamins can also help treat acne. Zinc is a beneficial nutrient for the skin. It can play a role in any natural skin care regime by assisting with cell regeneration and immune function. Vitamin C is also beneficial for healing the skin and has anti-inflammatory properties. Vitamin B6 and Vitamin A are also beneficial for the skin.

Herbal medicine
Herbal medicines can be used to treat acne. It is best to consult a herbalist or other health practitioner to see if herbal medicine may be suitable for you. Hormonal regulators such as chaste tree can be used to treat acne as well as alternative herbs such as burdock, clivers and yellow dock. Some of these may interact with other medications or may not be suitable for certain conditions, so be sure to consult a practitioner.

This can also be used in combination with nutritional and herbal medicine in the treatment of acne.

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