Natural therapies: neuro-linguistic kinesiology

Australia has been quick to embrace a range of natural therapies. Natural therapies offer alternative and complementary paths to health and healing. In clinics across Australia, growing numbers of practitioners are embracing a relatively new natural health option: neuro-linguistic kinesiology (NLK). NLK was first developed by kinesiology practitioner, Wendy Bennett, principal of the Kinesiology College of South Australia and one of Australia’s foremost kinesiology trainers and consultants.

Neuro-linguistic kinesiology uniquely integrates the natural therapies, kinesiology and neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). NLP uses language as a therapy and can assist with changing or defining any behaviour and creating optimum resourceful states to reach peak performance.

Origins of kinesiology
Australians now spend more than $1 billion annually on natural therapies not traditionally recognised as part of mainstream medicine. Of these natural therapies, kinesiology, now practised in more than 104 countries, has experienced one of the most rapid growths. Like many natural therapies, kinesiology has been recognised in recent years for its healing abilities and some of Australia’s major health funds now include kinesiology in their rebate schemes.

As a natural health modality, kinesiology uses the art of muscle monitoring to access information about a person’s wellbeing. It combines Western techniques and Eastern wisdom to promote physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. Kinesiology identifies the elements that inhibit the body’s natural internal energies and accesses the life-enhancing potential within the individual.

Benefits of NLK
Natural therapies such as NLK offer an alternate route to health and healing. NLK can offer stress relief and assist with insomnia, digestive disorders, anxiety and depression, weight management issues, grief and trauma, learning difficulties, self-images and relationship issues and much more. NLK offers a gentle and non-invasive natural health option to help develop excellence in learning and performance skills.

The corrective techniques of NLK allow deep healing and transformation to occur, creating a more fulfilling life and a healthier relationship with oneself and others. NLK is also a beneficial complementary practice that can be used in conjunction with other natural therapies or conventional medicine.

How does NLK work?
Like many natural therapies, NLK takes a holistic approach to health. NLK focuses on assisting a person to become aware of the changes they require in a very measurable and specific way and uses a range of natural health techniques including meridian therapy, acupressure, bodywork, stress-release techniques and visualisation. Using muscle monitoring, the NLK practitioner “taps” into the unconscious mind via the muscles and nervous system to determine what is blocking the client from achieving his or her goal.

What to expect from an NLK treatment
An NLK assessment may include the testing of specific neurological functions, chemical and respiratory function, sacral, spinal and cranial function, primitive and postural reflexes, visual inhibition, allergy testing, psycho-emotional and behavioural patterns and unconscious emotional blocks in the past, present or future. These procedures take place by touching specific acupuncture and reflex points, using symbology, repeating statements, and using visual stimulus and postural and integrative movements.

Each NLK treatment is determined by the responses gained from the client via muscle monitoring. Like other natural therapies, NLK recognises and honours the individual’s own healing potential. NLK corrective methods borrow from a wide variety of healing disciplines that include various energy-based methods.

Heal the past, prepare for the future

As with many natural therapies, a key dictum of NLK is that, if you are to move ahead successfully with your life, you must first clear the past. NLK allows you to go back to that point and clear the trauma from your cellular memory and the impact on the neurology and bio-energetic systems at that time.

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