Relaxation for health

Many people tend to think of relaxation as more of a leisure pursuit. However, relaxation time is needed to help you achieve total health. Stress accumulates from a range of different factors and in the long run this can have dire effects on your health. Therefore, finding regular time for relaxation is essential for your wellbeing.

What is relaxation?

Relaxation will differ for many people. For some, relaxation may mean taking a nap or watching television. However, there are different means of relaxation including various therapies and activities you can try that also benefit your overall wellbeing.

The benefits of relaxation

Stress, anxiety and tension activate the “stress response” in the body which causes an increase in heart rate, stress hormones and blood pressure while slowing digestion. On the other hand, the “relaxation response” allows the heat and breathing rate, blood pressure, digestion and hormonal levels to return to normal. Engaging in activities such as meditation and yoga that release a “relaxation response” in the body can present numerous health benefits. Relaxation can then therefore work to benefit stress relief as well as help improve your reaction and management of stress. This, in the long run, can also help decrease your chances of contracting stress-related illnesses.

Relaxation in the moment

Living in the moment can assist with relaxation. Letting go of extraneous thoughts and allowing yourself to focus on your body, breath and surroundings works to release tension and stress and allows for relaxation. This almost meditative stance allows these thoughts and feelings to dissipate so you can completely relax in the present. Achieving such levels of relaxation and calmness can also help you shift to a new level of awareness.

Therapies and activities for relaxation

Here are some activities you can try to induce a relaxation response:

Relaxation and yoga nidra

Yoga nidra is a deep form of relaxation which helps to calm the mind and release tension. The process aims to aid with relaxation by slowing the heart beat and breath. During yoga nidra, a guide will ask you to turn your attention inward and bring focus to your breath. Awareness will then be rotated throughout different areas of your body and will then be drawn to your natural breath.

Relaxation and deep breathing
Breathing techniques are also a beneficial way to counteract stress and induce a relaxation response. Breathing exercises can also lead to greater levels of consciousness allowing you to completely relax in the moment. Relaxation with breathing exercises offers many Health benefits such as anxiety and stress relief and assistance with insomnia and chronic pain. The Buteyko method of breathing has also been used to assist with asthma.

Natural therapies for relaxation

There are a range of other therapies that can assist relaxation including meditation, massage therapy, aromatherapy and herbal medicines.

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