The New Year is an exciting time, full of abundance, hope and (usually positive) upheaval. Find out what's written in the stars for you this year with Jessi Simpson's January to April 2022 horoscope.

For the most potent immersion, read for your Sun, Moon and Rising signs.


It’s time to own your differences, quirks and uniqueness, Capricorn. Draw on the element of air to give your resourceful nature more space and time to breathe, and let the winds lighten your load as you move forward in any endeavours. Allow yourself to be supported by the uniqueness and gifts of others — this will lead to more space to step into your own light and authenticity. Embrace that you are a part of a collective and are in no way meant to do this all on your own. But in order to evolve you must be willing to ask for support and to be clear from the get go. For the clarity to come, the resource is room to breathe.


This season calls you to strengthen your connection to your spirit, authenticity and power through the deep mystical waters of gentleness and imagination, Aquarius. It’s time to retreat. You may feel a strong call to be alone more often through this time in order to reconnect with your spirit, so that you can re-emerge into the community refreshed and renewed. Notice where it feels natural for you to fight and take the lead, even where it is not needed or necessary. Allow yourself to break free of old roles and structures and to connect deeply with the healing and cleansing element of water to learn grace and patience. Go easy and choose gentleness, especially when the world doesn’t.


This season presents a powerful window where the essence of your watery and mystical imagination has the opportunity to be birthed into form, Pisces. In order to harness this profound and pivotal portal in consciousness, you must be willing to give death to old ways of being that have kept you silenced and passive. It is possible to be active and gentle at the same time. Prioritise passion, connection and adventure in this season and savour and relish as the momentum and excitement builds. This is not a time to worry about outcomes, but to nurture the excitement for the birth of something truly new and sacred that will stand the test of time. Call upon the element of fire to revolutionise and reactivate.


The strong energies of this cosmic season call for a reconnection to your senses, Aries. You are being asked to see where your passions and willpower override the truth within your present experience. Connect to the earth and its potent wisdoms to create a container to hold all that you are becoming and transforming into. Slow everything right down and create enough space to listen to yourself and to the cycles of nature. Prioritise slow over fast, gentle over hard. Remember that everything has a right time and place, and it is through being present that all timelines collapse and infinite possibilities are accessible.


This season presents you with a courageous initiation into new terrain and possibility if you choose to answer the call, Taurus. Your gifts of resourcefulness and balance are as natural as the dirt and the skies. But you must be willing to allow things to be a little unstable as you expand through curiosity and introspection. You are cosmically invited to take inventory of your mind and to give life to ideas unexpressed — past, present and future. Place self-expression at the forefront and normalise vulnerability. When you need stable ground to fall back on, it will be there, but now is the time for the new.


This season presents completely new grounds through a cosmic calling back to the heart and home, Gemini. This time will provide an opening to your past, which encompasses not only your own past, but the emotional patterns created and passed down through the generations. Equipped with a newfound capacity for forgiveness, now is the time to release and heal any family events, past and present, to make way for a more peaceful future. Lean on the support and healing capacity of water to alchemise pain into healing for the betterment of yourself and for generations to come.


This cosmic window is a portal into uninhibited self-expression and creativity if you choose to take the plunge, Cancer. You are asked to place yourself at the centre of your universe rather than other people as you are so naturally attuned towards. Redirect your deep care and love for others back towards yourself. Yes, this is permission to shift your priorities to allow more room in each present moment for whatever is emerging for you. When you feel an urge to fix or change the pain of someone else in your life, notice how this takes you away from yourself and draw on the element of fire to return to your own feelings and emotional process. It is time to learn to sit around the flame of your own heart.


This time presents a reverent call to reconnect with the earth and its abundance of medicines through revolutionising your day-to-day rituals, Leo. In order to connect to the authentic fire of your spirit, you are called to sit for long periods of time and to simply feel whatever comes. You are asked to connect with meaningful service, with your Earthbound mission and to stay with the element of earth in order to ground your uninhibited and wild expression. It is time for a completely new routine, Leo. Once you have a daily rhythm that you feel connected with, the invitation is to stay with the mundane rather than to chase more excitement and energy.


This season asks you to work with the element of air to create more harmony and softness within your relationships, Virgo. This cosmic portal presents an invitation to create more awareness of how you move within your relational life at large, and invites you to create more softness and capacity to be held by others. It is a time for you to receive the fruits of your hard work and dedication and service to others. You have evolved quickly and to continue on your path you must be open to receiving these fruits and open up to your relationships. Imperfection is the portal, a renewed sense of trust and beauty is the gift.


The cosmos is calling to your vulnerability and truth and to a deep intimacy within you, Libra. You are being drawn to the underworld of the night to access your true power and see your shadow, which is a magical, mysterious and feminine part of you. Allow the cosmic energy of this season to penetrate deep and show you where you no longer have to be scared to see yourself. There is more access to deeper levels of bliss in partnership than ever before, if you are willing to be seen as you truly are in your vulnerability. Lean into the element of water to safely carry your shadows back into the light.


Scorpio, the time has come to strengthen your faith in something greater than yourself. Notice how inward collapses happen where you haven’t taken the time to be clear with yourself about what matters to you (and you only). This cosmic window connects you with your core values as the pillars of your inner temple. This will build and stoke your internal flame like nothing else can, nurturing your personal connection to life and to spirit. You are a natural alchemist of the shadows. Connect with the sacred fires of the heart and infuse more lightness and sunshine into your days.


This cosmic window presents fertile soil for relational growth through personal responsibility, Sagittarius. Draw upon the nourishment and support of the earth to be mindful of how you function in your relationships with significant others. You are only responsible for your own experience here on earth, no one else’s. Allow this to sink in and stay with this truth to support yourself through the uncomfortable process of reclaiming your connection to your sacred boundaries. Remember that boundaries are fluid and give yourself permission to shift and change your mind.