By Mike Erskine

The art of surrender


“The shortcut is surrender.” — Pandit Baskaran There will always be moments in life when we need to let go — of a situation, an idea, a person, an object, a job, the list goes on. The act of letting go […]

Organic Beauty


There’s no denying the healing power of bathing. Immersing yourself in an enticing warm bath has been proven to decrease stress, alleviate mild muscle pain, increase circulation, help you sleep better and, of course, leave you feeling clean and refreshed. […]

Being content with less


“To attain knowledge, add things every day. To attain wisdom, remove things every day.” Lao Tzu Many spiritual traditions speak to the notion of non-attachment — to people, places, things, ideas, thoughts — as a form of liberation and pathway […]

Why we need mindfulness


“Collect moments, not things.”— Paulo Coelho Mindfulness is the practice of bearing witness to the present moment with curiosity, non-judgement and compassion. The beauty of mindfulness is that you can draw on this powerful tool in any moment and at […]