“To attain knowledge, add things every day. To attain wisdom, remove things every day.”

Lao Tzu

Many spiritual traditions speak to the notion of non-attachment — to people, places, things, ideas, thoughts — as a form of liberation and pathway to peace. Brazilian novelist Paulo Coelho suggests to “collect moments, not things”. And as Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu so wisely says above, wisdom is cultivated in the absence of things.

Under the guidance of my Chinese medicine doctor, to support my recovery from long Covid I’ve recently had a break from caffeine. I can survive without black tea, dark chocolate and other sources of caffeine that I enjoy, but coffee is a daily ritual that I cherish, value and extract so much joy from, so this has been a tough pill to swallow. And having been on my fair share of health retreats over the years that don’t allow caffeine, I know what happens to my body and my mind when I forgo my morning cup of coffee.

These past few months of illness have taught me a lot about enduring discomfort, which is essentially what we experience when something we love is removed from our lives. But this is exactly where non-attachment of the most potent form can be practised.

I often contemplate what sits underneath desire, and it’s often a lack of contentment for what is. When we cling too tightly to people, places, things, ideas or thoughts, we can ultimately place our happiness in something outside of or separate from us. But in order to feel liberated and at peace in life, just as it is, we need to focus our awareness on the joy that we can cultivate from within.

Mindfulness is a powerful tool we can use to turn ordinary moments into treasured experiences. From the grounded experience of connecting your feet on the earth to the soothing sounds of nature around you or the calming sensation of connecting with your breath, there are so many ways to be content in the moment, just as you are. Being’s mindful journals — Mindfulness Workbook, Gratitude & Hope Journal and Mindful Journal — are tools that can help support your journey of contentment.