
Using mindfulness to set value-driven goals


As mindfulness is defined as non-judgmental awareness of the present moment, and goal setting represents future-focused attainment, I always viewed them as incompatible. It wasn’t until I read some of Dr Alan Wallace’s research that I was able to reconcile the two. Alan is an author and western expert on Tibetan Buddhism and teaches that there is great value in wholesome goals and desires. That is, goals and desires that are conducive to positive mental health and overall wellbeing.

The power of the pause

The power of the pause


If you’re yearning for more presence in your life, here are 10 differentways to find stillness through meditation and mindfulness. In a world in which you can feel like you’re being pulled in a thousand different directions, stillness is the […]

The art of seeing


Mindful photography, also known as contemplative or Zen photography, allows you to rediscover the art of seeing, become present in each moment and create new conscious rituals. I’ve had a camera in my hand since I can remember, documenting my […]