A values-journalling meditation
Values- journalling can reduce defensiveness, making us more receptive to information that suggests changes we need to make in our lives.

Inspired by studies, I recently created a workshop for my yoga students on “values journalling” — a practice that evidence-based researcher Steven Hayes is particularly passionate about. He says, “Research has shown that values writing has more impact on behaviour and health than just asking people to pick their values from a list, or state them in a few words. Values- journalling can reduce defensiveness, making us more receptive to information that suggests changes we need to make in our lives.

It reduces physiological stress responses and buffers the impact of negative judgements of us from others.” Steven explains that values writing is most powerful when it leads us to transcend our own ego and stories, allowing us to care more deeply about others — helping to build our sense of gratitude and purpose.

Through my own jotting and journalling, I have found a greater sense of clarity. I’ve felt allowed to delve into the nooks and crannies of my being without judgement. Life’s daily trivial matters can sift through the cracks as I devote more time to contemplating what’s important, leaving me feeling clearer, more aware and, well, less like there’s a mental monkey behind the wheel of my ever-evolving (but often cluttered) psyche.

Value-journalling steps

  • Prepare your pen and paper and find a quiet and comfortable space. Sit or lie down as you settle your attention on your body and breath. Gently invite the lungs to expand, encouraging deeper breaths. Sit for a few minutes, allowing your mind to wander and then gently guide it back to your breath.
  • Open your eyes and write down the 10 things in life that you truly value.
  • Some of my personal values are family, health, nature and authenticity. What matters most to you?
  • Now, look over the list and see if you can narrow it down to five core values.
  • Next, answer the following questions on paper. Remember, no one else is going to see this, so take as long as you like. Your words might be as complex as a poetic stream of consciousness or as simple as a few bullet points. How am I integrating these values into the way that I live my life? In what ways, if any, am I contradicting these values in my daily life? How could I incorporate these core values into my life even more?
  • Take as much time as you like to write freely. When you’re finished, lie down.
  • Scanning from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet, allow each part of the body to relax. Let your mind settle onto your core values as you visualise waking up in the morning. Imagine a day, from the moment you wake in the morning until going to bed at night, where you integrate your core values into the way you live. Really see how a day in your life might look if you were embodying these core values fully.
  • When complete, start to deepen your breath as you bring your attention back into your body. Gently come back to sitting.

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