Many pregnant women suffer from iron deficiency. WellBeing looks at some common symptoms and ways to manage and prevent this draining and potentially dangerous condition.
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Medically it is generally suggested to try and conceive for 12 months after ceasing the contraceptive pill or contraceptive devices, and if this is not successful to then seek medical assistance
Pregnancy is a magical time, but it can also be uncomfortable in many ways. Whether it’s an aching back or increased levels of stress and anxiety, essential oils can alleviate many common pregnancy complaints and make this time that bit more comfortable.
From “eating for two” to full-moon births, expectant parents are often bombarded with myths around pregnancy. We sort the sound advice from the sea of old wives’ tales.
Carla Oates talks about that “pregnancy glow”, as well as the other ways pregnancy affects your skin.
Taking time to stretch, breathe, relax and meditate is the perfect way to create a positive pregnancy for both you and your bub-to-be. The following poses will ease your body through the various changes that each trimester presents.
Vitamin D supplements do not protect against pregnancy-related hypertension and pre-eclampsia.
Twice-weekly exercise and dietary counselling during pregnancy results in a reduced risk of having an acute caesarean section.
Even moderate consumption of caffeine during pregnancy is linked to the risk of overweight or obesity in school age children.
A new study finds a link between asthma in mid-childhood and consumption of fructose and sugared beverages during pregnancy.
A study finds that both fish and fish oil supplements during pregnancy will benefit babies from developing asthma.