Yoga Practice

“Anyone who practices can obtain success in yoga but not one who is lazy. Constant practice alone is the secret of success”
– Some yoga wisdom from Hatha Yoga Pradipika

Yoga & Sport

“Basketball is an endurance sport, and you have to learn to control your breath; that’s the essence of yoga, too. So, I consciously began using yoga techniques in my practice and playing. I think yoga helped reduce the number and severity of injuries I suffered. As preventative medicine, it’s unequalled”


“Concentrating on yoga poses clears the mind, while focusing on the breath helps the body shift out of fight or flight mode. ”
– yoga wisdom from Melanie Haiken

Yoga and the Conditioned Mind

“The challenge, and the opportunity, that yoga presents to us is the possibility of breaking the conditioning cycle. We do this by becoming aware of the depth and pervasiveness of our patterns and, at the same time, by working to change them. True transformation begins at the moment that we become aware of our actual condition.”

Yoga & Intellect…

“The voice of the intellect is soft one, but it does not rest until it has gained a hearing. Ultimately, after endless rebuffs, it succeeds. This is one of the few points in which one may be optimistic about the future of mankind”.