Winter exercise time to find a good gym

Very soon, and some of us have felt it already, it will be so cold we will have to make extra effort to get up in the morning. Rain, cold and darkness often make it harder to stick to our daily routine. However exercise is such an important part of our daily life to stay healthy what do we do when we have endless days of rain and can’t go for a walk in the freezing cold. That’s why it’s important to have a good gym that you enjoy to go to where you can get fit and healthy and it becomes part of your weekly routine.

The gym can be a great motivator to make friends, keep you to a routine and increase your self esteem by beating yourself at your previous performance. If your gym is not motivating you perhaps you need to find another one that does.

Before you choose a gym it needs to suit your goals so it is important to prioritise on what those are so there are a number of things that need to be taken into consideration,

Firstly the gym needs to be easily accessible so you don’t need to go too much out of your way to get there. It can be close to work, home or to a friend’s your regularly visit. Too much distance is a great excuse for you not to use it and is demotivating. Perhaps you could make a comparison of gyms in your area and then decide which one best fits your needs.

You need to check out if it is well kept and the equipment is working well. If the equipment is old or dilapidated it’s not as encouraging to use. Similarly the floor needs to be clean and it needs to not be cramped and look for things being in the right place so that it is not unsafe to use any of the equipment or you won’t injure yourself due to machines too close together. It’s important also that there are enough machines for everyone so you are not waiting for your turn and that the gym is open the right hours for when you would want to use it.

It’s also important that you like the people there. Do you get greeted properly and are the trainers able to assist you with your needs or do they just let you do your own thing. Some of us need the trainer there to motivate us or at least someone to check that we are sticking to some sort of program. Many people drop out of gym because they are left too much to their own devices and need someone to keep tabs on what they are doing to keep them motivated. Also it’s important to like the people there. Why not check out beforehand the people that go there at the time you would to see if they could be your friends maybe in future. Is there something you could have in common with some people there? Often you could discover that someone you already know may go at a similar time and in that way you make friends and it becomes very much a social thing to be there as well as get healthy. A double bonus!

It is important the instructors are qualified and there are certificates around to back that qualification. Don’t just take it at face value. You are paying good money for them to get you fit and you need to know that they have had the correct training to do that otherwise you might as well grab your sister and go for a run instead of being at the gym.  You need to tell the instructor your limitations in exercising if there are any and remember to ask what services they offer apart from what you are doing as there may be something you are interested in of which you are not aware such as a dietitian and physical therapist.  The instructor and staff also need to be helpful and friendly.

Take a look at what programs they offer and see if they suit what you are interested in, do you want to join a group? Choose a place that can meet your needs and do some trial classes to see if that is what you want. Also check out if some of the trial classes are half price or cheaper on a pass.

Cost can often be an issue. It’s important that the monthly membership suits you and that you know what it covers. Ask about hidden charges before you join. Check if they have promotions or discounts and what attracts an extra fee. Also ask how long the gym has been there to establish its reputation and get a grasp on how often they increase their fees.

Also listen to what people say about that particular gym. Did your friend Carol go there and drop out? If so, then why? This type of feedback is good because if her reasons for not liking it are similar to yours then chances are you won’t like that particular gym either.

If you choose the right gym then you can go there and enjoy your exercise program, become healthy, make new friends and incorporate it as part of your lifestyle. In that way it will stay with you for a long time and will not just be another thing you have to do. Take your time and select carefully. You wouldn’t just buy anything for that party you are going to this weekend so why be less selective for something which is going to be a huge part of your weekly routine. Odds are if you like it you will go the 3 times a week you are supposed to and enjoy all the fringe social benefits as well.

If you find however that the gym is just not for you remember there are many Yoga, Tai Chi and Pilates classes you can join which have social benefits and will also keep you fit and indoors on those cold, rainy winter days. So there are no excuses to not be fit in winter.

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