The toxin-free way to a younger you

As our modern world becomes increasingly overloaded with an alphabet soup of chemicals, we’re often being affected without even realising we’re at risk. So, even if you choose natural products wherever you can — swapping citronella candles for mosquito spray and using face creams with natural ingredients such as green tea and almond oil — you may still be soaking up a cocktail of unseen chemicals at home, at work or while walking in the park or washing your hair.

Contact with harmful chemicals is a constant feature of daily life. We sleep on synthetic mattresses that have been treated with chemicals, breathe in vaporised chlorine from our shower water, use products on our skin that can contain harmful additives, clean our homes with harsh detergents, rely on electrical goods that release chemical vapours and eat and drink from plastic containers that can leach harmful chemicals into our food.

Limiting your exposure to this melting pot of environmental pollutants will not only keep your body healthy and looking younger for longer, it may also protect your genes from disease-related changes that can make you unwell and be passed on to your children.


Sick houses and buildings

In our Brave New World, chemical companies produce 400 million tonnes of chemicals and concoct a thousand new synthetic substances every year. Wood-burning stoves, open fires and gas heaters can lead to a buildup of toxic nitrogen dioxide, nitric oxide and other respirable particles, particularly if not well maintained and flued. Then there are the gases and chemicals we breathe in every day from glues, varnishes and treated components used in building materials, furniture/office equipment and chemical treatments on stain-resistant couches and carpets. Called volatile organic compounds (VOCs), these contaminants also emanate from lighting, computers, desks and couches. A number of materials, including insulation, carpet glue, finishes, resins and particleboard used for walls and ceilings also outgas VOCS in the form of heavy-duty chemicals, including formaldehyde and solvents such as styrene (used in the manufacture of rubber, plastic and other materials).

The problem with VOCS is they remain trapped inside homes and office buildings, where they circulate and are breathed into our bodies again and again, entering the bloodstream, brain and nervous system. This can lead to chronic health problems, often referred to as “sick building syndrome”. Many of these chemicals are lipid-soluble, which means they can enter your cell membranes and cause all manner of symptoms including depression, anxiety, poor memory and feelings of grogginess.

Links are now being made between indoor pollution and certain cancers, respiratory illness, immune system changes, allergies and behavioural and learning disorders. The burden of eliminating these chemicals from your body plus the damage they cause to your genes and the components of your cells can lead to premature ageing.

Obviously, opening windows and doors to air your home is a good strategy for improving air quality, but even this approach does not completely clear these chemicals and, in many office buildings, windows are small and fixed closed. That’s why indoor plants are an important addition — because they help to naturally filter the air.


Plants to the rescue

When scientists were working on the space shuttle Skylab 3, they found the indoor air was contaminated with more than 100 chemicals. But since plants recycle oxygen, they reasoned that plants might have a hidden talent for breaking down pollutants as well — and they were right. NASA research that focused on keeping the air for astronauts as clean as possible has found that plants can do a great deal to remove pollutants from indoor air. They absorb and break down chemicals through their leaves, roots and the micro-organisms in the soil.

The NASA studies have found that one potted plant per 100 square feet of floor space is the minimum needed to improve indoor air quality. The plants found to be most effective at removing indoor chemical pollution include dracaenas, bamboo palm, fig species, peace lily, philodendron, chrysanthemums, gerbera daisies, aloe vera and spider plants. By placing several varieties of indoor plants in different locations around your home and office you will ensure you get the maximum chemical filtering benefits from your plants and boost your longevity in the process.

Air aware

As you walk around the city, sit in a traffic jam on the freeway or wait at the traffic lights, your skin is being bombarded with a complex mixture of chemical pollutants. Ozone, lead, aldehydes, acid aerosols and carbon monoxide are all present in the air we breathe and they can accelerate the ageing process by increasing the production of free radicals in your skin and body. Daily exposure has been linked to a range of problems, from headaches and central nervous system problems to lung disease and cancer.

Harmful substances in air pollution have been known to reach high concentrations in urban centres, near power stations and around areas of intense industrial production. The chemicals found in smog and air pollution include ozone, airborne particles, nitrogen, oxides and sulphur dioxide, which may all cause damage to DNA and cells. A recent Canadian study found that living within 50m of a main urban road or 100m of a highway increased the risk of mortality by 2.5 years. Another study in Britain found that the release of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon chemicals that occur when petrol and other fossil fuels are burnt can trigger both heart disease and stroke. That’s good reason to relocate to bush or forest areas and live as far away as is practical from industrial sites and busy roadways.

Can’t relocate far from the city? Then combat air pollution in other ways. Close windows that open towards busy roads, install indoor plants to improve air quality and purchase an air purifier. Walking or cycling to work to reduce the number of hours you spend driving will also decrease the amount of air pollution you are exposed to (reduce inhalation of pollution by wearing a filtering mask en route). A recent study in California showed that, although the average driver spends only 6 per cent (one-and-a-half hours) of their day behind the wheel, that accounts for 33 to 45 per cent of their total exposure to air pollution via fumes entering into and recirculating inside the car cabin. That new-car smell is also problematic, indicating the release of VOC gases, which you are breathing in.


A toxic world

Environmental pollution and toxins are not just present in the air you breathe and in your home, they are also in the food you eat, the water you drink, the soil on which you walk, the medicines you take and the cosmetic and beauty products you apply to your skin. Regular chemical exposure comes from:

Choosing organic food where available and drinking filtered water reduce your exposure to pesticide residues and POPs. Washing produce thoroughly and peeling fruits and vegetables also helps reduce exposure. A 2008 report by Choice magazine found the fresh fruit and vegetables that contained the highest amount of pesticide residues were peaches, strawberries, nectarines, plums, apples, capsicum, celery, cherries, grapes, potatoes, spinach and raspberries. To limit exposure, it’s advisable to choose organic varieties when buying these types of produce. Growing your own fresh fruit and vegetables at home is another way of reducing your exposure to environmental pollutants and pesticide residues.

Many environmental pollutants are fat-soluble and are often found in foods that contain fat such as meat, dairy foods and eggs. Choosing organic meat and dairy foods will reduce your exposure to pesticide residues as well as the many harmful substances used in animal farming, such as antibiotics, hormones and other growth promoters.

In addition, increasing evidence indicates that plastics may leach chemicals and synthetic hormones into food, compromising our health. These endocrine disrupters mimic hormones such as oestrogen and can also block and interfere with natural hormone signals in the body. They are released when microwaving food covered by plastic or stored in plastic containers (even if they are “microwave proof”).

To protect your health, avoid plastic packaging where possible and store food in glass, particularly if it contains acidic foods such as tomato or fatty ingredients. These encourage higher release of chemical additives from plastic, including cadmium, pthalates, bisphenol-A, fungicides and DEHA (diethylhexyl adipate), which have been linked to illnesses such as cancer. Wrap sandwiches in paper rather than clingwrap. If possible, carry glass or steel drink bottles (and use glass or BPA-free plastic bottles for babies).

If you must use plastic, avoid washing recycled or reusable plastic drink bottles at high heat. Though controversial, research by a student at the University of Idaho indicated that reheating and reusing PETA plastic bottles may cause the plastic to break down and leach more DEHA into the liquid. In addition, when buying takeaway coffee, make sure you take your own mug to avoid drinking from polystyrene cups. If you must use plastic products, go for polyethylene and polypropylene, which appear to have less toxic additives.

Self-care at a cost

Each year, we use hundreds of different products in the bath and shower or directly on our skin. Most of these products are based on petroleum compounds and contain synthetic preservatives, chemical detergents, foaming agents, artificial fragrances, emulsifiers and UV absorbers. Some of the most problematic chemicals found in personal care products include parabens (a class of preservatives), propylene glycol, phthalates and laryl-sulphates, which have been implicated in everything from minor skin irritation and increased signs of ageing to hormone disruption, birth defects and cancer.

Some chemicals used in personal care products are absorbed through the skin and remain in your body for a long time. The complex variety of different chemicals used in formulating cosmetic products and the fact that many of these chemicals are routinely combined with ingredients that increase penetration deep into the skin is cause for concern. Many regulatory bodies refuse to ban the use of certain chemicals by the cosmetics industry as they have been shown to be safe in animal experiments. However, these experiments have not examined the combined effects of these chemicals or the long-term effects of exposure.

Some synthetic products can irritate your skin and change its texture and function, resulting in long-term inflammation and damage and accelerated signs of ageing. Using personal care products made with natural and organic ingredients will reduce your exposure to potentially harmful synthetic chemicals and may also improve the appearance of your skin. In addition, make sure you install filters on showers and taps to remove chemicals such as chlorine.


How toxins age you

Even low or moderate levels of synthetic chemicals can cause health effects in some people with sensitivities. You may have signs of chemical overload for years without realising the cause. Health problems include:

Dietary protection from environmental pollutants

Foods to choose

                               Protective effects


Contain powerful antioxidant pigments that protect your cells and DNA from the damage caused by the free radicals found in air pollution.


Beetroot helps improve liver health and increases the elimination of toxins from your body.


Rich in phyto-oestrogens, which help block the harmful effects of some oestrogenic environmental pollutants.

Goji berries

One of the richest sources of lutein and zeaxanthin, plant pigments that protect cells from the damage caused by the free radicals in pollution.

Brazil nuts

One of the richest dietary sources of selenium. Selenium recycles the antioxidants vitamins C and E within the body, which prevents damage to DNA and mitochondria.


Contains several anti-cancer compounds and also helps support the elimination of toxic chemicals from the body.


This bright-yellow root has potent anti-cancer properties and protects your DNA from the damage caused by free radicals and environmental pollutants.




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