Create calm — with a triangle!

Hello, I’m Bronni. Welcome to my new WellBeing blog, Creating Calm, which I hope will help you to press ‘pause’ for a while and infuse your life with a little more ‘aahhhh’… In my posts, I’ll draw on my background as a restorative yoga expert and CEO of a busy household of five and shares tips, insights and tricks to help you get from frazzled to feel-good, fast!

First up: how to create calm through a simple breathing exercise.

Most of us would confidently predict that planned activities like presenting a speech, sitting a job interview and taking a test will create an icky mind-state of nervousness and unease. Jittery feelings can also creep up unexpectedly and unpredictably, such as a traffic jam turning a usually pleasant commute into a panic about being late for work.


Stressful episodes like these can have us clambering for an effective way to get back on track. Alternate Side Breathing is an easy-to-learn, quick and practical way to calm a frazzled mind and reinstate balance. Plus, this handy technique is completely portable and invisible to those around you, so you can practise it anywhere, at anytime.

Alternate Side Breathing is based on the yogic pranayama (breathwork) method Nadi Shodhana (alternate nostril breathing) and helps to harmonise the flow of energy between left and right sides of the brain to induce clarity and tranquility. It’s simple, and requires just a little concentration and imagination. Follow the steps below to regain your composure, fast:

Here are some more uses for Alternate Side Breathing:


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