Clean Money Survey

Clean Money Survey

Hi lovelies! We want to invite you on a journey to see what your money, and what you do with it, means to you.

We want to know what matters most to you when it comes to banking! Is it important to you that your bank matches your ethics and values? We’ve teamed up with Bank Australia to bring you a quick and simple survey about how your money can bring positive change.

Group Of Sporty People In Savasana Pose

We want to know what you love about money! Is banking ethically important to you? Do you know what a customer-owned bank really means? Are you looking for low interest rates and fees and great customer service? Is clean money on the top of your list or are you unsure on what that really means? No question or answer is silly — we want to know them all!

Clean money, honey! That’s what we all want, right? But what does that even mean? Fiona Nixon, Head of Strategy and Planning at Bank Australia, shares, “Clean money is a global movement about understanding that where you choose to bank — and invest and have your super — can have a huge impact on the world. Why? Because the money you put in your account doesn’t just sit there – it’s actually used by banks to make loans and investments.” So, is clean money important to you?