Finally, a natural tanning solution for every body — in conversation with Sonya Driver from Eco Tan

We speak to Sonya Driver, founder of Australia’s first certified organic, tanning, skincare and body care brand Eco Tan

What was the initial vision behind Eco Tan?

My younger sister was diagnosed with a melanoma on her arm that required removal, leaving a terrible scar. She asked me if I knew of a natural spray tan that would not be harmful on her skin, so I asked my local beauty therapist, who told me hers was 99% natural. My gut feeling told me to research it and when I did, I was in for quite a surprise. I used my anger at the false and misleading claims out there and drew upon my love of natural and organic ingredients to start my own brand.

Why is Eco Tan different from other tanning and body care companies?

We were Australia’s first Certified organic tanning range. There was nothing in the market that even came close in terms of ingredients. Even our packaging is Earth-friendly as it is made from Sugar cane pulp that is produced right here in Australia using power from solar panels. Everything we do is honourably considered.

How does Eco Tan give back to the community?

This answer could go on forever. We have our not-for-profit foundation called the Miracle Made Foundation, that is a grass-roots charity that was formed to create opportunity and purpose to those that are discriminated against by society. Here is just a snippet of what we do; we have flown to Romania to assist a Mum and her five daughters that had experienced domestic violence and were left in living conditions that words on this page cannot explain.

We have helped animal shelters and charities pay for medical procedures and take care of sick animals. We are a big supporter of Australia’s very own domestic violence Sanctuary that allows owners and pets to stay together in a safe and caring environment.

In November 2018, we launched our first not for profit product; Eco By Sonya Hand & Nail Cream for Rafiki Mwema. 100% of our profits from the sale of every one of this product go directly to Rafiki Mwema, an Australian charity that provides protection, safe houses, support & love for children in Kenya who are victims of horrific abuse. And that’s just to name a few.

How has working for Eco Tan changed your life personally?

To be honest, like most founders and entrepreneurs, I can never really switch off. I’ve learnt so much about my personal growth through trials and triumphs and I’m so much more socially and environmentally aware. I’ve used it as a platform to live out my true calling in life, which is to be a philanthropist.

Do you have any memorable stories from Eco Tan clients?

There’s too many and as a founder, I take every review, big or small, as a massive achievement because nothing makes me smile more than knowing our beautiful certified organic products have helped people. Nevertheless, here are a few of my favourites;

My dear friend lives on a property, and one of her horses was experiencing a terrible blowfly, to the point where his eye was bleeding and raw. After using our award-winning Glory Oil, he was healed In just days. I love knowing that our Cruelty free and Vegan products can be loved by not only customers, but their pets too.

I received this review a few months ago and it literally brought me to tears; “Your products are awesome. My sister suffered cystic acne for years and she went into a major depression. I bought her your Super Citrus Cleanser and in two and a half weeks, she had no more breakouts. Her dermatologist is amazed. After using your product, she now has healthy and glowing skin. I will never forget the day she called me crying – she was asked out by a lovely man. She credits this to her new self-confidence. So, from a very happy sister that used to worry that depression would rob me of my sister, thank you.”

What is your favourite Eco Tan product?

I’m always going to have a soft spot for our organic Spray Tanning Solutions because I formulated them and mixed them myself in my kitchen, and they were Eco Tan’s first products. However, Glory Oil and Face Tan Water literally change lives. Both these products heal, boost confidence and cause drastic results. It’s my way of putting love out there.

What are three simple things we can to improve the health of our skin and body?

Let’s start with the skin – the number one thing that people are getting wrong are the basics… which is a brilliant, thorough cleanser. A good cleanser should contain no synthetic ingredients and should be gentle, yet effective enough to remove bacteria, dirt and makeup and excess oil.

Exfoliation is key – no matter what the state of your skin or how old you are, exfoliating is so important! Everyone needs a fabulous exfoliant to deeply clean the pores and remove dead skin layers. This is super collagen boosting for more youthful looking skin. Our award winning Super Acai Exfoliator will not only brighten the skin, but will also drench it in organic, raw oils.

I’m obsessed by medical medium – start your day with celery juice!

Oh, and probably the most important thing of all…. sunscreen. Did we mention we have a fabulous new one?

Where is Eco Tan heading towards in the near future?

More philanthropy paths are being paved. Watch this space.

X Sonya





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Finally, a natural tanning solution for every body — in conversation with Sonya Driver from Eco Tan