Want to glow from within? We chat with Sol Cleanse

Want to glow from within? We chat with the directors of Sol Cleanse, Miriam Ter Borg and Larrissa Cunningham. 

What makes you feel wild?

Larrissa: At the moment, I love non-linear movement — basically moving my body to find pockets of stagnation or emotion that I can then let my body move through and release. It’s crazy to discover all the stuff stored in my body and how loose and free I feel when I allow myself to really go there with it.

Miriam: I feel wild and alive when I’m in the elements, especially when they are a bit extreme! I recently climbed over a snowy mountain in -4ºC and then went on a surf trip with really big, challenging waves. Both of the experiences made me feel invigorated and alive. 

What is Sol Cleanse and when did it all begin? 

Sol Cleanse is an organic cleanse offering. We create cold-pressed juices, wholefoods, soups, broths, smoothies and more, carefully combined in a selection of different cleanse programs that have been curated to suit all body constitutions. Cleansing with Sol Cleanse gives you the opportunity to press the reset button and re-establish a positive relationship with nourishing foods. Our cleanses go way beyond just the elixirs; we also guide you step-by-step through a holistic program that helps you create space and go inwards to deeply reconnect with yourself and revitalise your life. We do this through meditations, breathwork, self-inquiry workbooks, movement and more.

Sol Cleanse began in 2012, just as cold-pressed juice was making an appearance in Australia. We understood the value of doing a juice cleanse, and we also understood the many challenges in having to do all the juicing for yourself. We wanted to provide people with a delicious and simple way to receive all the great gifts juice cleansing provides.

What are some of the cleanses on offer?

Our most popular cleanse is the Level 1 cleanse. It is a beautifully balanced program of micronutrient-dense cold-pressed juices, a green smoothie, a nut mylk and an ayurvedic dahl. It’s the perfect place to get started if you’re new to cleansing or feeling apprehensive about doing a cleanse. We have Levels 2 and 3 which get more challenging (but juicy) as you become more comfortable with the experience.

We also offer specialised programs to suit a range of different requirements, such as a warm cleanse, wholefoods cleanse, active cleanse, broth + greens cleanse and a custom cleanse option, so we have something for everyone!

How is Sol Cleanse helping Australians with their health?

We focus primarily on reconnecting people with themselves in a holistic sense. Connecting back in with pure organic plant nutrition is the perfect gateway to do this. It helps bring people back to a space of homeostasis, where the body is much more at ease. In that state, you become naturally drawn to things that are nourishing — both in terms of what you are eating, as well as in a broader sense of what is truly nourishing for your wellbeing. We love the opportunity to cleanse at an even deeper level than just the physical. When your body is burdened with inflammation or you are dealing with food addictions, it’s almost impossible to notice how you feel emotionally. Cleansing can bring up all sorts of “stuff” you didn’t know was there. Bringing it to the surface means you can look at it, alchemise it and create space for fresh, positive habits, ways of thinking, emotions, goals and dreams.

We think of Sol Cleanse as giving people everything they need to pause, dive in and come out new — not only physically, but mentally, emotionally and spiritually, too. You can go in as deep (or not) as you like, it all depends on your intention going into your experience.

What are three things we can do right now to improve our health, skin, hair and nails?

Some of the most common feedback we get about our cleanses is that your skin gets an incredible glow, your eyes become clearer and the white part of your eyes becomes whiter. So even if you don’t have access to cleansing, incorporating some organic cold-pressed juices into your diet to boost up your micronutrient intake can help with this.

Our appearance — particularly the skin — is an outer representation of what is going on within your body. The skin is a major elimination pathway, so if you are having problems with your skin, think carefully about what you are putting into your body. Many people are chronically dehydrated, and this can show up in your outer appearance. Make sure you drink plenty of water (which also helps eliminate toxins), and make sure the water is good quality!

Feeling relaxed, centred and well oxygenated is a sure-fire way to glow from within. Have you ever noticed the natural radiance of a kundalini yoga teacher? Meditation and breathwork can help to create an inner beauty that spreads outwards.

How often should we cleanse?

We generally find that once a season is the sweet spot as it encourages you to pause and notice the different things your body calls out for or asks as the world changes around you. But, in short, you should cleanse whenever you feel like you need a reset.

We look at wellness as an upwards or downwards spiral; generally, you’re spinning one way or the other. When you’re in the upward spiral you are eating well and making choices that nourish you. As you feel good, you keep making choices that help you to feel better and better.

When you are in the downward spiral, however, you are making choices that don’t serve you. You’re not feeling great, so you make choices that lead you to feeling worse, then you make another bad choice and down it goes. When you notice yourself in the downward spiral, a cleanse is the fastest and most powerful way to flick the switch to send you back up.

What’s next for Sol Cleanse?

We have a really exciting project coming soon that’s going to allow us to serve people all around the world. We can’t say anything yet but we cannot wait to share it with everyone!

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