Cosmetic acupuncture

It is believed that acupuncture was first incorporated into facial treatments during the Sui dynasty in China from 581 to 618AD. Facial acupuncture can be used to treat signs of ageing but it also helps correct internal imbalances.

What is cosmetic acupuncture?
Cosmetic acupuncture is a holistic medicine. Also known as an acupuncture face lift, this procedure views the face and appearance as a reflection of your inner health. For instance, facial lines may signify problems with your spleen or small intestine and moles and freckles may also be indicators of internal health problems. Cosmetic acupuncture can treat physical signs of ageing on the face while also offering far ranging results for your health and wellbeing.

Who can have cosmetic acupuncture:
Cosmetic acupuncture is suitable for men and women of any age. To produce effective anti-ageing results, it is best to start treatment in your late 20s and early 30s. However, undergoing treatment at any age can produce beneficial results. Cosmetic acupuncture treats the signs of facial ageing such as wrinkles, creases, saggy or puffy skin, discolouration, acne, moles, freckles and scarring which are seen as signs of underlying imbalance.

Western cosmetic procedures and facial acupuncture:
Although acupuncture face-lifts have been compared to western cosmetic procedures, they are completely different. Firstly, acupuncture is a natural process which does not produce scar tissue and involves no recovery time. Most importantly, facial acupuncture is a holistic treatment which affects underlying imbalances rather than just the physical appearance.

What happens during a consultation?
During a consultation, your acupuncture practitioner will ask you a series of questions about your general health and areas of your skin that are troubling you, such as wrinkles, acne or birthmarks. Cosmetic acupuncture as well as any form of traditional Chinese medicine also involves a tongue and pulse diagnosis. This will help determine the root cause of your skin’s imperfections. A facial diagnosis will also be taken. These three means of diagnosis are used in combination to decide on the best form of treatment. This treatment will focus on correcting internal imbalances while also treating the physical symptoms that appear on the face.

Acupuncture is not the only anti-ageing treatment used in traditional Chinese medicine. Other anti-ageing treatments including acupressure massage, dietary advice, Chinese herbal medicines and topical applications may also be recommended during a facial acupuncture session. 

The treatment
Cosmetic acupuncture will often begin with a massage using Gua Sha techniques. This helps increase the flow of energy and increase blood flow to the face. After this, the needles are then inserted into acupoints as well as Ashi points on the face. The needles are left in place for up to 30 minutes. Once removed, another massage follows. After the procedure, it is common to experience tighter skin and improvement in complexion and overall health. 

Cosmetic acupuncture requires a number of treatments extended across a few months if it is to be an effective anti-ageing remedy. After this treatment course, follow-up sessions may also be required. The number of treatments needed will vary, and prices range between $120 and $400 per session according to the time and skill required.


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