Healing with Bowen Therapy

A growing number of people are recognising the benefits of Bowen therapy. Bowen therapy is a beneficial natural therapy that offers a holistic approach to healing. It can also produce effective results for a number of different ailments and conditions.

What is Bowen therapy?
Bowen therapy is a gentle, non-invasive practice that aims to treat the underlying causes of pain found in the soft tissue or fascia. Bowen therapy uses gentle rolling techniques to stimulate the body’s energy and capacity to heal itself. By working with the energetic and nervous system, Bowen therapy aims to help bring the body into a state of balance.

What ailments can Bowen therapy assist with?
Bowen therapy can assist with a number of different ailments. It is a very gentle therapy that works on the basis of the body’s capacity to heal. Bowen therapy is gentle and non-invasive and can effectively treat people of all ages, including children and the elderly.

How can Bowen therapy help me?

Here are some examples of how Bowen therapy can help you:

Pain relief

Bowen therapy is best known for its ability to offer pain relief. A study by the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill rated the effectiveness of Bowen therapy for a number of conditions. The study compared practitioner and patient responses on the effectiveness of the Bowen technique in treating pain. Practitioners rated the effectiveness of Bowen therapy as 85% for back pain, 88% for neck pain, 83% for stress and tension and 80% for fibromyalgia. Patients rated Bowen therapy at 85% for back pain, 80% for stress and tension, 95% for TMJ, 80% for hip pain and 75% for other conditions.

Neck and back pain

Bowen therapy can effectively treat neck and back pain caused by various ailments. Significant pain relief can be experienced for these ailments after a few sessions. Bowen therapy can help relieve pain and increase movement and range. Bowen therapy can also assist with the discomforts experienced during pregnancy including back pain, sciatica, fluid retention and decreased energy levels.

Sports injuries
Bowen therapy’s gentle rolling movements across specific points of the body can help treat sports injuries. Muscular ailments such as hamstring strain can be treated with Bowen therapy to improve flexibility. Results can be seen even after one session. Other sporting-related injuries that can be assisted with Bowen therapy include reoccurring strains, frozen shoulder and tennis elbow.

Children’s health

Bowen therapy can also produce effective results for a number of childhood illnesses and complaints. Children respond well to Bowen therapy and the gentle, relaxing movements can produce a range of benefits. Bowen therapy can offer assistance in children’s health by treating ADD, asthma, bed-wetting, digestive complaints, colic and much more.

Even your pets can benefit from the benefits of Bowen therapy. Some therapists offer healing for animals such as cats and dogs to relieve musculo-skeletal pains, to aid recovery after injury or surgery and assist with thunderstorm phobia and anxiety.

Find a Bowen therapist near you.


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