Herbal medicine for immunity

Herbal medicine can work in various ways to boost your immunity. In the winter months, herbal medicine can be a beneficial way to strengthen and support the activity of your immune system.

Which herbal medicines can improve the immune system?
Here are some ways to boost your immune system with herbal medicines:

This herbal medicine has long been used as a natural skin treatment for ailments such as eczema. However, it is also known for its ability to enhance and support the immune system by stimulating the production of white blood cells that fight infection. Echinacea can help fight the common cold as well as respiratory infections that attack during the winter months. Echinacea helps quicken the rate of recovery and lessen the severity of the symptoms of colds. Herbal medicine preparations using echinacea can help soothe sore throats and relieve stuffy noses. As a herbal medicine, echinacea produces best results for fighting short-term infections.

This herbal medicine has long been used by Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners to strengthen the body. Astragalus has been shown to produce positive results for long-term immune challenges and infections. This herbal medicine increases the production of immune cells and improves their function, making them more effective in fighting infection. Astragalus also has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which help to fight viruses and inflammation. It also protects the liver and acts as a diuretic and adaptogen. Herbal adaptogens produce a defensive response to stress, bring your body back into balance, and improve your ability to age well.

This herbal medicine has been shown to have a number of therapeutic effects. It is able to assist in regulating sleep patterns and with symptoms of the common cold. Andrographis is also able to enhance the body’s immunity by increasing the production of antibodies. It produces effective results for problems associated with the digestive system and liver, and can help reduce inflammation and pain.

The use of this herbal medicine has been linked with increased energy. Ginseng helps improve the body’s ability to self-regenerate and improves overall health and wellbeing. Ginseng has also been used to overcome illness, treat respiratory infections and offer stress relief. This herbal medicine is a powerful adaptogen and can be used to treat a range of diseases and conditions. Its usage has also been linked to long-term physical and emotional health.  

This herbal medicine is seen as a beneficial immunity booster due to its ability to assist in the repair of membranes. Goldenseal in particular can be helpful in healing gut membranes. Goldenseal is a natural antibiotic and can treat infections of the intestine, mouth, lungs and urinary system. It also contains properties that work to protect the body against bacterial and fungal infections.

Other beneficial herbal medicines that boost the function of the immune system include elderberry, sage, thyme, cleavers and slippery elm.

For those that may have a specific ongoing ailment, a herbalist will be able to prescribe herbal medicines that will address the complaint and help improve your immune function. Find a herbalist near you to find out more about which herbal medicines are best for a boost to your immune system.

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