
Homeopathy is based on the principle that substances, which are poisonous in large doses, can be very beneficial in small doses. Homeopathy is a form of medicine that treats the body as a whole and helps it to heal itself. It can be used for acute and chronic illnesses. The objective is to prevent the patient from getting the illnesses again. The name homeopathy comes from the Greek word “homios” which means “like” and the word “pathos” meaning “suffering”. Thus homeopathy simply means treating like with like. Homeopathy looks at each patient and develops an individualised remedy or treatment plan. It invokes the powers of healing inherent in individuals (the immune system) to develop a successful therapy. The more that is known about the patient, the symptoms, likes and dislikes, what makes them better or worse, helps in developing a “symptom picture”, which can lead to a successful treatment. Homeopathic remedies are made from naturally occurring plant, animal, or mineral substances.

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