Natural therapies for stress relief

Stress involves more than just the worries and thoughts that play on our minds. It also takes a toll on our bodies. There may be physical symptoms of stress such as changes in sleep patterns, headaches or fatigue as well as emotional, mental and behavioural signs that indicate stress.

Stress causes imbalance in the body. As a result, it can become a serious issue and can lead to stress-related illnesses such as ulcers, digestive disorders, skin problems, headaches, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and depression. There are a range of natural therapies you can try to aid stress relief and induce relaxation.

Yoga and stress relief

Yoga is a great natural health solution for stress relief. Yoga unites the mind, body and soul and works
to lower stress levels and aid relaxation. Yoga draws attention away from your thoughts and forces the mind to become centred through postures that require balance and concentration. Exercise in general is a beneficial lifestyle change that can be implemented for stress relief to provide a break from other activities.
Meditation for relaxation
Meditation is another way to centre and focus the mind. This too will assist with relaxation as well as stress relief. Meditation is also beneficial in reducing high blood pressure and the risk of heart attack. It also enhances the immune system, brain function and asthma, all of which are linked to stress relief.

Can massage therapy offer stress relief?

Massage therapy works to not only soothe aches and pains but also to induce relaxation and eliminate stress. There are a number of massage therapies available which work to relieve tension and stress by using a range of techniques and movements. Massage therapy has proven to be beneficial in aiding stress relief and assisting stress-related conditions such as insomnia, headaches, digestive disorders, premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and back pain.

Herbal remedies and aromatherapy
There are a range of herbal remedies that work to create calmness and relieve stress. Herbal remedies such as chamomile, peppermint and Valerian have a relaxing effect on the mind and body. They work to ease anxiety and many have sedative qualities to offer stress relief. Aromatherapy uses essential oils to also assist with stress relief among other conditions. Oils used for stress relief include frankincense, rose and sandalwood.

Nutrition and stress
Stress can also affect our nutritional choices by causing us to eat the wrong foods or skip meals. Furthermore, poor nutritional choices can lead to further stress and imbalance on the body. A diet consisting of fruit and vegetables, whole foods and plenty of water will act as an energy booster and help restore balance. If you are looking specifically for a food to aid stress relief, oats offer a soothing food for the nerves.

Don’t let stress get the better of you! Remember to take time out of your day, no matter how busy you may be, to have a moment to yourself to relax and unwind. Your body will reward you for it in the long run.

Find a practitioner that can assist with stress relief.

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