Preparation methods of herbal medicine

Herbal medicines can be taken in a range of ways such as by drinking teas, capsules and tinctures and can be used both externally and internally. Some herbal remedies may require specific preparation methods to produce the desired and most effective results for a particular condition. In other cases, different preparations of herbal medicines are available to suit the personal preferences of the individual. Here are some common forms of herbal medicine preparations:


Many herbal medicines are available in capsule form. The herb is ground into a powder and packed in a capsule. This is a convenient method for herbs that are difficult to administer or have an unpleasant taste.

Herbal medicine available in capsules
Herbs such as coptis chinensis, phellodendron, scutellaria and gardenia are bitter tasting but have beneficial medicinal properties. These, among many more herbal medicines, are available in capsules or tablets as it is a much more palatable form.
Some herbal medicines cannot be made using infusions and require gentle boiling or decoction to extract the active principles. Decoctions are prepared using the more fibrous parts of the herb such as the roots or bark. Cold water is poured on the herb and the mixture is then boiled. The parts used in the preparation must be boiled for a long period of time to release the active ingredients. The decoction can then be drunk warm.

Herbal medicines that can be prepared as decoctions

The stems and roots of echinacea are used for their antibacterial properties and ability to stimulate the immune system. Valerian can also be prepared as a decoction to aid insomnia and assist with stomach problems.

Herbal infusions are prepared in a similar manner to herbal teas. However, they are steeped longer so they become considerably stronger. Infusions are typically used for dried or fresh herbs, leaves and plants. The herb is added to boiling water and left to stand. The liquid is then strained and the herbal medicine can be drunk as a tea.

Herbal medicines that can be prepared as infusions

Nettle is a popular infusion used for the kidney and bladder and can also assist with weight loss. Red clover infusion is used daily for several weeks at a time to balance hormones and promote lymph flow. They are also said to improve fertility for women.

Herbal tinctures or extracts are the most commonly prescribed form of herbal medicine. Herbal tinctures are prepared from raw herb materials and soaked in alcohol to extract the active properties from herbs that will not dissolve in water or in the presence of heat. The ground herb is placed in a container filled with 40 per cent alcohol such as vodka, and left for two to six weeks.

Herbal medicines that can be prepared as tinctures

Plantain works as a tincture both externally and internally. It can be used for poisonous bites, inflammation, blood poisoning, burns and more. St. John’s Wort can be used as a tincture to produce beneficial results for depression and anxiety.

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