Radiation exposure

Radiation surrounds us in natural (e.g. sun exposure, naturally-occurring radon gas) and synthetic forms. Radioactive elements are made up of unstable atoms that give off energy, and if the energy is strong enough it may damage living tissue. Radiation therapy for cancer involves the administration of high doses of radiation to specific parts of the body. It is practically impossible to protect oneself from radioactive substances, except by detecting and eradicating the problem. It is important to support your immune system but having good nutrition and supplementation (where required).

Symptoms of acute radiation exposure: nausea, vomiting, weakness, loss of co-ordination, convulsions, shock and even death. But the amount of exposure required to experience these symptoms is quite rare.

Symptoms following radiation therapy: nausea, vomiting, headache, weakness, loss of appetite and hair loss.

Who to consult: Dietician, GP, herbalist, homeopath, naturopath


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