Vegetarianism for green living

Eating more vegetables and less meat can arguably help you make a difference to the planet’s wellbeing. Opting for a well-balanced vegetarian diet can be a beneficial health choice and can also aid sustainable and green living.

Many make the move towards green living by turning off lights, driving less and using energy-efficient appliances. However, the benefits of eating less meat and more vegetarian foods for sustainable, green living are not as widely discussed. Adopting a vegetarian diet may be a way for individuals to reduce their contribution to global warming and making a positive step towards green living.

Dietary choices and green living
Scientists are stressing the importance of making green living choices and are calling on people to reduce consumption of meat and dairy products to slow the pace of climate change and reduce their carbon footprint. Our growing appetite for meat is increasing greenhouse gas emissions, but making simple food choices can assist green living and help reduce emissions.

In 2006, the United Nations published a report that commented: “The livestock sector emerges as one of the top two or three most significant contributors to the most serious environmental problems at every scale from local to global.”

Many people are surprised to learn how much the earth is affected by our dietary choices. We can make the move towards green living by adopting a diet that has less meat and requires less energy and is cheaper than a meat-intensive diet.

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