What to expect from a naturopath

Have you ever visited a naturopath before? Naturopathy is a beneficial holistic medicine that treats not only overt symptoms but the root causes of a condition. A naturopath may recommend treatment that will support the body’s ability to heal itself through herbal medicine, homoeopathy, nutritional and lifestyle advice and more.

Why should I visit a naturopath?

Naturopathy is a form of alternative medicine, however you do not necessarily have to be sick to visit a naturopath. A consultation with a naturopath can be a good way to gain a complete picture of your current health position. For those who have a specific illness or condition that needs treatment, a naturopath will be able to offer sound advice using holistic and alternative medicine to restore harmony and balance in your body.

What conditions can a naturopath assist with?

There is a range of illnesses that a naturopath may be able to address. These can include but are not limited to:

What to expect during a consultation with a naturopath
Like a GP, a naturopath will gain a thorough case history and will also ask questions regarding lifestyle and dietary and environmental factors. A series of laboratory tests may be undertaken to gain an understanding of general health status and any presenting conditions. A naturopath will then develop a personalised treatment plan to help you regain or improve your health. Your progress will be monitored and adapted if necessary to suit your response to the treatment.

A naturopath may employ a variety of modalities to assist in the treatment of your condition or ailment. These include:

Blood analysis: Many naturopaths offer live blood screening so you can see the health of your cells. This is beneficial in accessing stress, diet, nutrition and a range of other factors.

Iridology: A naturopath may recommend an iris analysis to ascertain information about the health of the entire body.

Diet and nutrition: Dietary and nutritional lifestyle advice may be offered by a naturopath to help regain optimal health and wellbeing. Nutritional medicines such as supplements may also be recommended to help rebalance the body.

Herbal medicine: A naturopath may prepare a personalised herbal remedy to relieve symptoms, prevent disease and strengthen the body.

Homoeopathy: This treatment uses substances prepared in a unique way so they correct and balance the patient’s vital force on the spiritual, emotional and physical levels.

Other modalities may be offered depending on the qualifications of the naturopath.

Naturopathy can be a beneficial choice for those who have not experienced results with conventional medicine or for those who want a gentle and effective way to regain their health and wellbeing. Visit a naturopath to see how you can progress on your journey towards good health.

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