Anti-ageing food and drink

The old adage, “you are what you eat” rings true when it comes to anti aging. The food we eat can play a significant role in the anti aging process by fighting the molecular mechanism behind cell degeneration. By making informed food choices, men and women can potentially help stop, slow or even reverse the effects of aging.

Anti aging vegetables

Capsicums, cherries, shiitake mushrooms and eggplant are some common foods you could add to your anti aging diet. Fruits and vegetables flush with colourful pigments boost antioxidant levels and help prevent wrinkles. This, in turn, helps fight free radicals, caused by a number of factors including UV radiation, pollution and pesticides. Free radicals ultimately lead to a breakdown of collagen and elastin, the protein structures that give the skin that youthful elasticity.

Research has shown that an anti aging diet with antioxidant-rich foods helps neutralise the effects of free radicals and helps preserve the skin’s youthful colour and fullness.

The link between anti aging and seaweed
Seaweed is a beneficial addition to any anti aging skincare program as it is full of minerals. Seaweed is a source of iodine, calcium and zinc and has antibiotic and antiviral properties to help restore the skin’s youthful qualities by improving circulation and reducing the appearance of cellulite. Seaweed can also play a role in alleviating respiratory problems and boosting the immune system.

The benefits of seaweed have been embraced by many different cultures. The anti aging and healing qualities of seaweed have been widely acknowledged in Scandinavia and Japan, countries both known for their high life expectancy. Seaweed has been used in Chinese medicine dating as far back as 300BCE.

Anti aging with seafood
Seafood, including oysters, salmon, sardines and shellfish, can also form part of your anti aging diet. Seafood is high in zinc and copper, making it beneficial for the hair, skin and nails.

Fish is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3s are essential in keeping the walls of the skin cells watertight, thereby ensuring the skin remains hydrated. This assists with anti aging by helping to prevent wrinkled, dry skin. In addition, fish provides high-quality proteins that enable cellular repair and healthy cell membranes.

The anti aging properties of legumes
Legumes also have anti aging properties. The multi-faceted nutritional powers of legumes make them a necessity in defence against outward signs of aging as well as age-related illnesses.
Beans, lentils and chickpeas produce anti aging results as they are excellent sources of protein and, as you age, they help to maintain muscle mass, reduce insulin resistance and repair DNA. They are also potent sources of anti-inflammatory antioxidants (flavonols) that help protect against a number of diseases.
Drinking water for anti aging results
A frequently overlooked anti aging ingredient in the diet is water. As our bodies are 70 per cent water it is essential that we remain constantly hydrated by delivering fresh, clean water to our cells. Closely related to water in helping detoxify the body are food items such as citrus fruits and foods that contain sulphur, such as garlic, onions and eggs.

If you are after a natural anti aging solution, look no further than Mother Nature. There is a range of fruits, vegetables and legumes that contain a number of properties that can help stem the ageing process. These natural foods and ingredients function as “scrubbers” and cleansing agents for your vital organs, tissues, dermal tissues and cells while detoxing your body and keeping you disease-free.

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