Green living for the home

Green living essentially means choosing chemical-free options in every aspect of our lives. Making the transition towards green living can begin in the home. Many see the home as a place to escape from the toxic modern world. However, we are still exposed to pollution, toxins and chemicals in our homes. There are a variety of ways you can ensure “greenness” of your home and in turn, the health of your family. Here are four steps towards green living and sustainable living by using organic and non-toxic means:

1. The air

Green living in the home can begin with the air. Clean up the air in your house by having lots of plants in your living environment. Toxins enter our body from the air we breathe so ensuring your house gets plenty of fresh air is essential.

Rather than using a plug-in air freshener, aerosols or other such products try aromatherapy for a green living alternative. Aromatherapy essential oils such as lavender and cedar wood act as natural air deodorisers and their scents have added benefits such as providing stress-relief. Aerosol air fresheners contain volatile organic compounds including carcinogens and byproducts known to cause headaches and cognitive impairment. Opting for a natural solution not only benefits your health but is also a step towards more sustainable living.

2. Household cleaning products
Green living choices can also be made with your household cleaning products. There are a range of options available that complement sustainable living. Look for concentrated products, as this means less packaging and less energy is expended in manufacturing, transport, shopping time and waste collection.

Another option that is growing in popularity is to make your own cleaning products. Regular cleaning products often contain harmful chemicals that can affect our health. White vinegar, bi-carb soda, lemon juice and corn starch are natural solutions for chemical-free cleaning and green living. Vinegar is a natural disinfectant and bi-carb of soda is a very gentle abrasive effective at removing dirt and stains on bench tops, sinks, showers and baths.

These green living choices can be extended into personal care products. Try out organic skincare products that are chemical and toxin free.

3. Organic food

Food choices present another opportunity for green living. Organic foods are fresh and chemical and toxin-free. Farmers markets and supermarkets stock organic selections of meat, fruit and vegetables.

For a greater commitment to sustainable living, growing your own fruit and vegetables is an option. Planting a herb Garden or vegetables such as spinach, cherry tomatoes or chilies that thrive in pots is a fun and rewarding green living solution.

4. Sustainable living and recycling
Make another step towards sustainable living by recycling. A compost heap will allow you to recycle your green waste while reducing your environmental impact and will improve soil quality in your garden. Looking into water-saving devices for your household taps and shower heads and purchasing green energy from your electricity supplier are also options that are growing in popularity in the green living movement.

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