Herbal remedies for stress relief

Stress inevitably becomes a factor in our busy and hectic lives. However, there are a range of herbal remedies you can use for stress relief and to boost your health naturally. Herbal remedies have been around for centuries and are now considered a popular form of alternative medicine in the Western world.

Here are some commonly used herbal remedies for stress relief:

Chamomile is most commonly enjoyed as a tea. As a herbal remedy, chamomile has been used for centuries to relieve indigestion and assist with gastrointestinal conditions. Chamomile can also calm the nerves and relax the mind and body. It also has a soothing effect on anxiety and muscle tension, thus being useful for stress relief.

As a herbal remedy, Valerian has been used as an accepted sedative for treating nervous disorders associated with a restless digestive tract since the 18th Century. Valerian has similar tranquilising and sedative effects as valium, but without the side effects. These properties mean it is a useful herbal remedy in relieving anxiety and reducing aggression. Clinical trials have shown Valerian improves sleep quality by reducing the number of night awakenings and improving insomnia.

St John’s Wort
St John’s Wort is one of the most popular and commonly used herbal remedies in the
Western world. This herbal remedy has long been used as an anti-depressant and tonic for the nervous system. St John’s Wort is believed to increase the effectiveness of noradrenaline, dopamine and serotonin which are associated with feelings of relaxation and optimism. Correct levels of noradrenaline and dopamine are associated with feelings of alertness, assertiveness, increased energy and sharpened thought processes, making St John’s Wort a beneficial alternative medicine for stress relief.

Oats have long been used to treat nervous exhaustion and depression. This herb contains a nervine alkaloid making it gently nutritive to the nerves, helping it to restore an exhausted nervous system. Oats can be combined with either calming or stimulating nervine herbs, as it will work to strengthen the depleted system. This quality makes oats helpful for both anxiety and depression.

Lime flowers
Lime flowers are beneficial in controlling anxiety and hyperactivity. They are also effective for insomnia, high blood pressure and for soothing muscles and nerves.

A herbal cure?
The list of herbal remedies that can assist with stress relief are extensive. Other effective herbs are Hawthorn berries, lemon balm and borage.

There are also a range of herbs with adaptogenic properties which help train your body to control stress over time rather than being a short-term solution. Adaptogens increase the body’s resistance to stress, trauma, anxiety and fatigue. They are also referred to as rejuvenating herbs. Ginseng is a popular herbal remedy used to help train your body to control stress over time while also increasing stamina and vigour.

Although herbal remedies provide positive and effective results for stress relief, their use should be complemented with other lifestyle changes to achieve long-term results. Remember to take time out for yourself or try meditation and relaxation to achieve total and long-lasting stress relief.

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