Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a digestive disorder that usually afflicts people between the age of twenty five and forty five. In IBS, the muscular contractions of the gut become uncoordinated and irregular. This dysfunction leads to the accumulation of mucous and toxins in the intestine, which act to block the intestine and cause the symptoms commonly experienced in IBS. Because of the symptoms, people with IBS dread eating and may become malnourished. Despite the pain associated with the condition, most people can lead healthy lives with a change in diet, regular exercise and by replacing the nutrients that are not absorbed.

Causes: viral or bacterial infection, stress, diet, food allergies, overuse of antibiotics or laxatives.

Symptoms: abdominal pain, bloating, distension, anorexia, flatulence, constipation and mucous in the stools.

 Who to consult: Allergist, dietician, gastroenterologist, GP, herbalist, homoeopath, naturopath, pharmacist.

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